
At the heart of the Redeemer lays the Moebious power plant. Originally a civillian model capable of providing all the Power a city of 250 000 people, its industy and utiliities. The energy output is huge, but the ingenious way is how it is handled. Any excess energy is stored in a superconductor wheel, avialible to be tapped at a moments notice. Some of the energy is shunted to overload capacitors.

Here the design team ran into a snafu.

Statistical Readout
Tonnage 105
Armor Points 290
Start Weapons 14
Min Heavy Skill 65
Levels/Weapon 3
Manufacturer Multiverse
Build Speed - 26
Build Proj. Damage + 10%
Build Shield (20)
Level 2 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 3 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 4 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 6 Precision (2)
Level 6
+ every 3 levels
+ 1 Weapon Slot
Level 8 Missile Shield 12%
Level 10 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 12 Missile Shield (25)
Level 14 Proj. Damage + 10%
Level 16 Splash Shield 10%
Level 18 1.5X Damage 2%
Level 20 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 24 Speed + 2
Level 26 Missile Shield (25)
Level 30 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 32 Fork Shield 8%
Level 34 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 36 Shield (20)
Level 38 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 40 Speed + 2
Level 46 Precision (2)
Level 48 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 50 Missile Shield (25)
Level 52 1.5X Damage 2%
Level 54 Missile Shield 12%
Level 58 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 60 Speed + 2
Level 62 Missile Shield (25)
Level 64 1.6X Damage 5%
Level 66 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 68 Splash Shield 10%
Level 74 Shield (20)
Level 75 Laser Shield (200)
Level 76 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 78 Speed + 2
Level 80 3X Damage 2%
Level 82 Fork Shield 8%
Level 84 Missile Shield (25)
Level 86 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 90 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 94 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 96 Speed + 2
Level 98 Missile Shield (25)
Level 100 Precision (2)
Level 104 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 106 Missile Shield 12%
Level 108 1.5X Damage 2%
Level 110 Shield (20)
Level 112 3X Damage 2%
Level 114 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 116 Speed + 2
Level 118 Proj. Damage + 10%
Level 120 Missile Shield (25)
Level 122 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 124 Splash Shield 10%
Level 128 1.6X Damage 5%
Level 130 1.5X Damage 2%
Level 132 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 134 Proj. Damage + 10%
Level 136 Missile Shield (25)
Level 138 Fork Shield 8%
Level 140 Speed + 2
Level 142 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 144 Precision (2)
Level 146 Shield (20)
Level 148 Proj. Damage + 10%
Level 150 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 152 Missile Shield 12%
Level 156 Missile Shield (25)
Level 158 3X Damage 2%
Level 160 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 162 Proj. Damage + 10%
Level 164 1.6X Damage 5%
Level 166 Speed + 2
Level 168 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 170 Missile Shield (25)
Level 172 1.5X Damage 2%
Level 174 Splash Shield 10%
Level 176 Proj. Damage + 10%
Level 178 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 182 Shield (20)
Level 184 Precision (2)
Level 186 Fork Shield 8%
Level 188 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 190 1.5X Damage 2%
Level 192 Proj. Damage + 10%
Level 194 Missile Shield (25)
Level 196 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 198 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 200 Speed + 4
Level 202 Missile Shield 12%
Level 204 Missile Shield (25)
Level 206 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 208 Proj. Damage + 10%
Level 212 Precision (2)
Level 214 1.5X Damage 2%
Level 216 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 218 Shield (20)
Level 220 3X Damage 2%
Level 222 Proj. Damage + 10%
Level 224 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 226 Splash Shield 10%
Level 228 1.5X Damage 2%
Level 232 Speed + 2
Level 234 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 236 Proj. Damage + 10%
Level 238 Fork Shield 8%
Level 240 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 242 Precision (2)
Level 244 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 246 1.5X Damage 2%
Level 248 3X Damage 2%
Level 250 Proj. Damage + 10%
Level 252 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 254 Speed + 2
Level 256 Shield (20)
Level 258 1.5X Damage 2%
Level 262 Precision (2)
Level 264 Proj. Damage + 10%
Level 268 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 273 Precision (1)
Level 277 Missile Shield 5%
Level 281 Missile Shield (5)
Level 284 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 289 Splash Shield 5%
Level 295 1.5X Damage 1%
Level 300 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 303 Speed + 1
Level 308 Missile Shield (5)
Level 312 Fork Shield 4%
Level 315 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 318 Shield (5)
Level 321 Speed + 1
Level 329 Precision (1)
Level 332 Missile Shield (5)
Level 336 1.5X Damage 1%
Level 339 Missile Shield 5%
Level 343 Speed + 1
Level 346 Missile Shield (5)
Level 350 1.6X Damage 2%
Level 353 Splash Shield 5%
Level 357 Shield (5)
Level 360 Laser Shield (5)
Level 364 Speed + 1
Level 371 3X Damage 1%
Level 374 Fork Shield 4%
Level 385 Missile Shield (5)
Level 399 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 400 + 1 Chassis Slot

Originally it was supposed to have seven capacitators capable of boosting damage by 50% and five for tripling the damage. The bigger capacitors were no problem, but for the smaller the differences between parts of the multiverse became evident. Two manufactorers were tasked to provide one inch capacitors, but while one made the standard 25 mm capacitors, the other used imperial inch (25.6) mm. This resulted in some of the capacitators now delivering a 60% boost instead. Shrugging their shoulders and noticing this gave potential for even more damage the design team moved on.

But more of the power is dedicated to increasing the speed of the Mechs Cannons. Fully developed the added kinetic energy is estimated to boost the projectile damage by a staggering 130%.

But at heart the Moebius powerplant is civillian. Created to withstand earthquakes, cave-ins and temperatures ranging from -80 to +90 centigrades it is not suited to real extremes of temperature. So any significant drop or increase in temperature, as one get from being hit by Ice or Fire weapons, will result in power fluctuations and cause additional damage.

No 105 tonner is especially fast, but the Redeemer is among the fastest yet designed. When it reaches its full potential its inbuilt speed is decent, and it will have room for eight additional engine modules to make it a fast mover indeed.

The Styrix battlecomputer is another inovative design. Based on probability enhanchement and intuitive targeting it give a significant boost to Precision for the onboard weapons. These hits are calculated to strike at vulnerable spots, and it is estimated that every tenth hit will result in a mission-kill. As if this wasn't enough, in addition it have room to accept eight additional Cockpit modules.

No design teams can shake off its ingrained beliefs.

In the Multiverse the biggest threath to Mechs are considered to be the fast and deadly Missiles. To counter this the design team turned to bioscience.

Out of the way in the galactiv rim there had decades in the past been found a lone barren planet circling a neutron star. On this planet was some lichen that had adapted to its envirionment. Normally bereft of lifegiving solar rays, it was occationally hit by a really powerful pulse of high energy radiation. Research on this lichen had proven that any high energy beams were absorbed, up to a degree. This included, but was not limited to; Laser, Radar and Lidar. By adding some of the native rock to the Redeemers armor the lichen could grow on it. The Shield was specifically excluded. The resulting effect was that missiles onboard seekers would focus on the Shield, and as it was a smaller target about 3-in-5 missiles would just streak by. This work to a lesser degree for other targeted attacks like the Fork and Splash effects one can encounter on the battlefield, and the lichen will also absorb much of the energy from Laser strikes.

In addition a dedicated shielding generator and a couple micro railgun emplacements give added general protection and swipes even more incoming missiles from the sky. Having all these details built in, the shielding modules can not support more than five add-ons.

As the design team felt it was better not to be hit than to deal with damage they reserved space for seven Chasiss modules to give the Redeemer a high degree of maneuverability.

Legendary Pilots

  • George Warren

    George Warren

    A new legend is being told in the mecha galaxy. George Warren has become renowned for his skill as a pilot of the 105 ton Redeemer class mecha. This suits the stalwart Warren well in battle as the Redeemer's powerful Moebius powerplant engine base is capable of withstanding earthquakes and even cave-ins. It's also incredibly fast for a 105 ton mecha, combining swift speed with high defensive capabilities. In offense is far from lacking with power additions to Projectile weaponry. Warren is known by his clan, Odin's Secret Chamber, as a peerless pilot of the Redeemer mecha and a loyal friend and compatriot. With an imposing frame of 6'7" both Warren and his mecha present the image of an immovable object on the battlefield, standing tall and unwavering now matter how dire the circumstances. Starting his pilot career by taking silver in the 3301 clan wars, Warren has been a forced to be reckoned with on the battlefield for galactic decades. Warren's legend still grows to this day...


Redeemer comes fully equiped with:
Culverin cannot be unequiped from its mech






3X Damage 33%

1.6X Damage 40%

Fast an lethal. When you've only got time for one shot, make it count.



Long Tom


Long Tom

2X Damage 30%

Freeze 35%

With each shell fired, unleash a shockwave that disables opponents.



Long Tom


Long Tom

2X Damage 30%

Freeze 35%

With each shell fired, unleash a shockwave that disables opponents.






3X Damage 7%

Even the biggest challengers are going to get leveled by the Leveler.






3X Damage 7%

Even the biggest challengers are going to get leveled by the Leveler.






2X Damage 10%

This cannon's impressive firepower will be a deciding factor in the outcome of your battles.






2X Damage 10%

This cannon's impressive firepower will be a deciding factor in the outcome of your battles.



Dynamo Cannon


Dynamo Cannon

2X Damage 2%

Compact and packing more punch than previous cannons, this model can deal double damage if the timing is right.



Dynamo Cannon


Dynamo Cannon

2X Damage 2%

Compact and packing more punch than previous cannons, this model can deal double damage if the timing is right.