
Years after the last frantic call for help, the Craftsmen of our Galaxy was yet again contacted by their alternate selves in another Galaxy.

Droch`ah had found his way into that Galaxy, and was beginning a campaign of conquest and subjugation using materials and techniques that made the might of that Galaxy`s armies powerless to stop him.

Statistical Readout
Tonnage 105
Armor Points 290
Start Weapons 13
Min Heavy Skill 65
Levels/Weapon 3
Manufacturer Multiverse
Build Speed - 24
Build Shield (10)
Build Precision (2)
Build Ice Damage + 5%
Level 2 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 3 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 4 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 5 Splash Shield 8%
Level 6
+ every 3 levels
+ 1 Weapon Slot
Level 8 Speed + 2
Level 10 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 12 Shield (20)
Level 13 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 14 1.5X Damage 5%
Level 17 Precision (2)
Level 20 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 22 Fork Shield 8%
Level 25 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 26 Speed + 2
Level 29 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 32 Shield (20)
Level 34 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 35 1.6X Damage 5%
Level 38 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 40 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 42 Trample Shield 8%
Level 47 Precision (2)
Level 50 Freeze 5%
Level 50 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 50 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 52 Shield (20)
Level 54 2X Damage 5%
Level 55 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 56 Speed + 2
Level 59 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 62 Wide Fork Shield 8%
Level 65 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 68 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 70 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 72 Shield (20)
Level 74 3X Damage 5%
Level 77 Speed + 2
Level 80 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 82 Splash Shield 9%
Level 85 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 85 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 86 Freeze 5%
Level 89 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 92 Shield (20)
Level 95 1.6X Damage 5%
Level 97 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 98 Precision (2)
Level 100 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 102 Fork Shield 9%
Level 104 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 107 Speed + 2
Level 110 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 112 Shield (20)
Level 114 1.5X Damage 5%
Level 116 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 119 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 122 Wide Fork Shield 9%
Level 125 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 128 Speed + 2
Level 130 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 132 2X Damage 5%
Level 133 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 134 Freeze 5%
Level 137 Precision (2)
Level 140 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 142 1.6X Damage 5%
Level 145 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 146 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 149 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 152 Shield (20)
Level 155 1.5X Damage 5%
Level 158 Speed + 2
Level 160 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 162 Trample Shield 9%
Level 164 3X Damage 5%
Level 167 Precision (2)
Level 170 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 172 Shield (20)
Level 174 1.6X Damage 5%
Level 175 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 176 Speed + 2
Level 179 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 181 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 182 Splash Shield 8%
Level 185 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 188 Freeze 5%
Level 190 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 192 Shield (20)
Level 194 2X Damage 5%
Level 197 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 200 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 202 Fork Shield 8%
Level 205 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 206 Speed + 2
Level 209 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 212 Shield (20)
Level 215 3X Damage 5%
Level 218 Precision (2)
Level 220 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 222 Trample Shield 8%
Level 224 1.5X Damage 5%
Level 227 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 230 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 232 Shield (20)
Level 234 Freeze 5%
Level 236 Precision (2)
Level 239 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 242 Wide Fork Shield 8%
Level 255 1.6X Damage 5%
Level 258 Speed + 2
Level 260 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 262 Shield (20)
Level 265 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 267 Precision (2)
Level 270 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 272 2X Damage 5%
Level 274 Ice Damage + 5%
Level 276 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 279 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 279 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 282 Splash Shield 4%
Level 285 Speed + 1
Level 288 Shield (5)
Level 291 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 294 1.5X Damage 2%
Level 297 Precision (1)
Level 300 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 301 Fork Shield 4%
Level 303 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 306 Speed + 1
Level 309 Shield (5)
Level 312 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 315 1.6X Damage 2%
Level 318 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 321 Trample Shield 4%
Level 324 Precision (1)
Level 327 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 330 Freeze 2%
Level 333 Shield (5)
Level 336 2X Damage 2%
Level 340 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 343 Speed + 1
Level 346 Wide Fork Shield 4%
Level 349 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 349 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 353 Shield (5)
Level 356 3X Damage 2%
Level 359 Speed + 1
Level 362 Splash Shield 4%
Level 365 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 372 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 375 Freeze 2%
Level 378 Shield (5)
Level 381 1.6X Damage 2%
Level 385 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 388 Precision (1)
Level 391 Fork Shield 4%
Level 394 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 397 Speed + 1
Level 399 Shield (5)
Level 400 + 1 Shield Slot

As unit after unit perished while buying some time for the desperate evacuation of civilians from world after world, it became clear it was just a matter of time before Droch`ah would be the undisputed master of that Galaxy, and humans would have the choice between death or servitude.

That was, -unless some equalizer could be found.

Our Craftsmen was of course willing to help. Technical data and blueprints for improved Mechs, Equipment and Weapons was the first gift sent over.

But what was lacking was the experience of those who had faced Droch`ah in other incarnations, and not merely survived the experience, but actually triumphed over his forces.

So yet again the call went out. Who would be willing to transfer their consciousness to another body, in another Galaxy, to put their fragile selves between Droch`ahs near unstoppable might and those he sought to enslave?

The Mercenaries yet again rose to the challenge. First a few, then dozens, scores and hundreds of them crossed the vast gulf and found themselves somewhere almost like home, but still alien.

As they started a crash course to get their old skills into the new bodies, the industrial might of that Galaxy started putting heavier Mechs, better Equipment and more powerful Weapons at their disposal.

That galaxy`s Craftsmen decided to reward those who championed the cause, and construction of a new class of Mech was undertaken.

In recognition of the protective nature of those who had come to ward them from evil, the Mech was named Warden.

Compared to the other Mortali Gustore Mechs, the Warden is somewhat lower and have a more boxy appearance. Another difference is the lack of a shield.

The AI chosen for the Warden is the Tal-2X. Having a set of multiple processors and an immense memory bank where all fights are stored, the Tal-2X will choose the appropriate way to handle an opponent based on previous encounters and tactical considerations.

Even unaided the Tal-2X have a decent probability of hitting an elusive target, and can generate a mission-kill by nearly every tenth shot. But to further enhance its capabilities there is room for up to six additional targeting modules.

The power plant is an crowning achievement of engineering. Exactly how the Enigma II manages to generate the immense output it does is hard to explain. What is of interest to the pilot is that instead of generating power and waste heat, is that it generates power and cold. The cold is shunted toward the weapon launchers where it in addition to keep them from running hot, will eventually double the output of all Ice weapons.

Much of the power is led toward overload capacitors, of which the Warden have four sets. 1.5X, 1.6X, 2X and 3X. If all of them can be coaxed to release their energy at the same time, a massive blast doing more than 14 times the original damage will be unleashed at the target.

But quite a lot of power is also devoted to the Engines. The Warden will eventually have room for eight Engine modules, making it potentially one of the fastest Mechs in existence.

The Warden is not only about offence. Its defensive capabilities is quite impressive as well. While opponents main boards will find it readily enough, the shielding module will mislead approximately a quarter of any secondary strikes into false targets. The shielding module will also turn impotent all but very powerful attacks, and will eventually have room for six additional modules.

To further help it evade incoming fire, a fully developed Warden will also have room for up to eight Chassis modules. This will let a pilot customize it to meet mission parameters. Whether to enhance the evasive or the offensive aspects is up to the pilot.


Warden comes fully equiped with:






Wide Fork 67%

Freeze 25%

Destroyer of Worlds






Wide Fork 67%

Freeze 25%

Destroyer of Worlds



Chiller Equation


Chiller Equation

Freeze 17%

Slow (12)

No matter how you add it up, you lose. It's chiller.



Chiller Equation


Chiller Equation

Freeze 17%

Slow (12)

No matter how you add it up, you lose. It's chiller.






Freeze 8%

Slow (5)

The Wendigo renders a mesmerizing pattern of ice on its target as it methodically turns those systems into ruins.






Freeze 8%

Slow (5)

The Wendigo renders a mesmerizing pattern of ice on its target as it methodically turns those systems into ruins.






Freeze 8%

Slow (5)

The Wendigo renders a mesmerizing pattern of ice on its target as it methodically turns those systems into ruins.






Freeze 8%

Slow (5)

The Wendigo renders a mesmerizing pattern of ice on its target as it methodically turns those systems into ruins.






Freeze 8%

Slow (5)

The Wendigo renders a mesmerizing pattern of ice on its target as it methodically turns those systems into ruins.






Freeze 8%

Slow (5)

The Wendigo renders a mesmerizing pattern of ice on its target as it methodically turns those systems into ruins.






Freeze 6%

Slow (4)

Adhesive rounds slow down the enemy like wet cement.






Freeze 6%

Slow (4)

Adhesive rounds slow down the enemy like wet cement.






Freeze 6%

Slow (4)

Adhesive rounds slow down the enemy like wet cement.