Ferrite: | 26000 |
Bioptics: | 23500 |
Niodes: | 125 |
The Justicar's matte black exterior makes it harder to spot during night actions on most worlds, and it is estimated that against many opponents the first they will know of the Justicar’s existence is a well placed salvo coming out of nowhere.
Cherry Blossom Mechworks was originally an R&D arm of Alpha Corp but became the foundation of the Sengakuji Reaches’ mecha manufacturing industry when the tiny nation emerged from the Shogunate civil war. Their high tech reputation was established when they managed to reverse engineer and replicate the ancient Forerunner Mechs, the Skriag, Nakshi and their Crystal based compatriot; the Gigus This reputation was further advanced when they also reverse engineered the deadly Commissar fielded by the Unification Army.
Statistical Readout | |
Tonnage | 105 |
Armor Points | 295 |
Start Weapons | 13 |
Min Level | 154 |
Min Heavy Skill | 65 |
Levels/Weapon | 3 |
Manufacturer | Cherry Blossom Mechworks |
Bonuses | |
Build | Speed - 33 |
Build | Trample 10% |
Build | Crit-Kill 1% |
Build | Shield (10) |
Build | Precision (2) |
Level 3 | + 1 Weapon Slot |
Level 4 | 1.5X Damage 4% |
Level 5 | + 1 Engine Slot |
Level 6
+ every 3 levels |
+ 1 Weapon Slot |
Level 8 | Shield (5) |
Level 10 | Speed + 2 |
Level 11 | + 1 Engine Slot |
Level 14 | 1.6X Damage 3% |
Level 16 | Proj. Damage + 10% |
Level 17 | + 1 Cockpit Slot |
Level 18 | Shield (5) |
Level 20 | Dodge (2) |
Level 22 | + 1 Chassis Slot |
Level 24 | 2X Damage 4% |
Level 26 | Fork 5% |
Level 28 | Crit-Kill 1% |
Level 29 | + 1 Shield Slot |
Level 30 | Speed + 2 |
Level 33 | + 1 Engine Slot |
Level 34 | 3X Damage 2% |
Level 36 | Trample 4% |
Level 38 | Shield (5) |
Level 39 | + 1 Cockpit Slot |
Level 40 | Precision (2) |
Level 44 | 1.6X Damage 3% |
Level 45 | + 1 Chassis Slot |
Level 46 | Proj. Damage + 10% |
Level 48 | Ice Shield 5% |
Level 50 | Speed + 2 |
Level 51 | + 1 Shield Slot |
Level 54 | 2X Damage 4% |
Level 55 | + 1 Engine Slot |
Level 56 | Trample 4% |
Level 58 | Crit-Kill 1% |
Level 60 | Dodge (2) |
Level 61 | + 1 Cockpit Slot |
Level 64 | 1.6X Damage 3% |
Level 66 | Proj. Damage + 10% |
Level 67 | + 1 Chassis Slot |
Level 68 | Shield (5) |
Level 70 | Speed + 2 |
Level 73 | + 1 Shield Slot |
Level 74 | 1.5X Damage 4% |
Level 76 | Fork 5% |
Level 78 | Shield (5) |
Level 79 | + 1 Engine Slot |
Level 80 | Speed + 2 |
Level 84 | 3X Damage 2% |
Level 85 | + 1 Cockpit Slot |
Level 86 | Trample 4% |
Level 88 | Crit-Kill 1% |
Level 89 | + 1 Chassis Slot |
Level 90 | Precision (1) |
Level 94 | 1.6X Damage 3% |
Level 95 | + 1 Shield Slot |
Level 96 | Proj. Damage + 10% |
Level 98 | Shield (5) |
Level 100 | Speed + 2 |
Level 104 | 2X Damage 4% |
Level 106 | Fork 5% |
Level 108 | Fork Shield 5% |
Level 110 | Dodge (2) |
Level 113 | + 1 Engine Slot |
Level 114 | 1.6X Damage 3% |
Level 116 | Trample 4% |
Level 118 | Crit-Kill 1% |
Level 120 | Speed + 2 |
Level 124 | 1.5X Damage 4% |
Level 126 | Proj. Damage + 10% |
Level 128 | Shield (5) |
Level 134 | 1.6X Damage 3% |
Level 136 | Trample 4% |
Level 138 | Shield (5) |
Level 140 | Speed + 2 |
Level 144 | 2X Damage 4% |
Level 146 | Proj. Damage + 10% |
Level 148 | Crit-Kill 1% |
Level 149 | + 1 Cockpit Slot |
Level 150 | Dodge (2) |
Level 154 | 3X Damage 2% |
Level 156 | Fork 5% |
Level 158 | Shield (5) |
Level 160 | Speed + 2 |
Level 161 | + 1 Chassis Slot |
Level 164 | 1.6X Damage 3% |
Level 166 | Trample 4% |
Level 168 | Ice Shield 5% |
Level 170 | Speed + 2 |
Level 171 | + 1 Shield Slot |
Level 174 | 1.5X Damage 4% |
Level 176 | Proj. Damage + 10% |
Level 180 | Precision (2) |
Level 182 | + 1 Engine Slot |
Level 184 | 3X Damage 2% |
Level 186 | Trample 4% |
Level 188 | Shield (5) |
Level 190 | Speed + 2 |
Level 192 | + 1 Cockpit Slot |
Level 194 | 1.6X Damage 3% |
Level 196 | Fork 5% |
Level 198 | Shield (5) |
Level 200 | Precision (2) |
Level 203 | + 1 Chassis Slot |
Level 204 | 2X Damage 4% |
Level 206 | Proj. Damage + 10% |
Level 208 | Crit-Kill 1% |
Level 210 | Speed + 2 |
Level 214 | 1.5X Damage 4% |
Level 216 | Trample 4% |
Level 217 | + 1 Shield Slot |
Level 218 | Trample 4% |
Level 218 | Shield (5) |
Level 220 | Dodge (2) |
Level 224 | 1.6X Damage 3% |
Level 226 | Fork 5% |
Level 227 | + 1 Engine Slot |
Level 228 | Fork Shield 5% |
Level 230 | Speed + 2 |
Level 234 | 1.5X Damage 4% |
Level 238 | Crit-Kill 1% |
Level 239 | + 1 Cockpit Slot |
Level 244 | 3X Damage 2% |
Level 246 | Fork 5% |
Level 248 | Shield (5) |
Level 249 | + 1 Chassis Slot |
Level 250 | Speed + 2 |
Level 254 | 1.5X Damage 4% |
Level 256 | Trample 4% |
Level 258 | Shield (5) |
Level 260 | Precision (2) |
Level 264 | 1.6X Damage 3% |
Level 266 | Proj. Damage + 10% |
Level 268 | Crit-Kill 1% |
Level 270 | Speed + 2 |
Level 274 | 1.5X Damage 4% |
Level 276 | Trample 4% |
Level 280 | 1.5X Damage 2% |
Level 286 | Shield (2) |
Level 291 | Speed + 1 |
Level 296 | 1.6X Damage 1% |
Level 300 | + 1 Shield Slot |
Level 301 | Proj. Damage + 5% |
Level 308 | Shield (2) |
Level 314 | Dodge (1) |
Level 318 | 2X Damage 2% |
Level 322 | Fork 2% |
Level 325 | Crit-Kill 1% |
Level 331 | Speed + 1 |
Level 336 | 3X Damage 1% |
Level 341 | Trample 2% |
Level 350 | Shield (2) |
Level 357 | Precision (1) |
Level 361 | 1.6X Damage 1% |
Level 364 | Proj. Damage + 5% |
Level 367 | Ice Shield 2% |
Level 373 | Speed + 1 |
Level 378 | 2X Damage 2% |
Level 388 | Trample 2% |
Level 392 | Crit-Kill 1% |
Level 395 | Dodge (1) |
Level 399 | 1.6X Damage 1% |
Level 400 | + 1 Cockpit Slot |
But that was then and this is now and the burning question often asked by pilots across the galaxy is, as always, “What have you done for me lately?†The answer came in a most unwelcome form; The Heralds of Order. When they appeared with their highly specialised mecha and unknown technology they were unbeatable. Slowly the Mercenary Clans began to gain an even footing with the Heralds by using some salvaged tech from the battlefield and doing what the clans do best, adapting to the battlefield and creating new tactics. But these were only temporary measures. A permanent solution was needed and there was no question that Cherry Blossom Mechworks was ideal to find it. The Justicar is the first Cherry Blossom Mechworks entry into the heaviest class of Mecha.
The towering and wide shouldered the Justicar looks deceptively fragile. While physically it does not resemble any Unification mecha, it clearly borrows from their technology as well as Forerunner. Combined with a cutting edge AI and newly developed power systems the Justicar represents the best of what is available from every source possible.
The Roxol Heptagon A.I. is an amazing piece of engineering. Using a blend of technology from several races, universes and multiverses it will, when fully developed, have room for seven additional custom equipment modules. Foremost on a pilot’s mind is the ability to acquire a solid target lock. This A. I. is quite adept at doing so even without a pilot to direct its aim. A large bank of target scanners constantly search for vulnerable joints or weakened armor to direct a one shot Crit-Kill. Proximity target search parameters also direct massive waves of fire onto any following mecha in an opponent’s formation. In addition, automatic secondary target lock programming creates opportunities for a full powered Fork salvo into a second target with a single pull of the triggers.
The heaviest Mecha have an almost insatiable appetite for energy. To feed this voracious void turned to their newly developed Black Neutron Exchanger. The theory behind this powerplant is to compress neutronium to the event horizon in a quantum state. The resulting micro black hole would almost immediately dissolve and release an incredible amount of energy. Once this is achieved the only question is how to distribute the massive power output. As with all super heavy mecha, a vast majority of available energy is directed to the motive systems. A dedicated railgun capacitor array is installed to increase the output of any Projectile weapons mounted on the Justicar. Next a full bank of overload capacitors were installed to maximize the heavy firepower of the weapons loadout. With 1.5X, 1.6X, 2X and 3X capacitors constantly requiring power, the design team ensured that none of the energy created by the powerplant will be wasted. And the resulting blast from a simultaneous discharge of all capacitors is something any opposing mecha is unlikely to survive. The Black Neutron Exchanger is equipped with eight slots for the addition of custom modules.
The Chassis has several layers of Cherry Blossom’s proprietary energy absorbing material installed in the framework to counter enemy sensors attempting to lock on to the mecha. This enables the mecha to Dodge some incoming fire even stationary. This material also provides some protection for the effects of a Fork salvo. When fully upgraded the seven additional equipment modules will make the Justicar one of the hardest to hit Mechs in existence. Also installed is a set of shield emitters to protect the mecha against all types of incoming fire and some additional protection from Ice weaponry. Six additional ports are available to install heavy shielding modules.
The Justicar is a showcase of new technology and mecha engineering placing Cherry Blossom Mechworks back in the forefront of mecha design. No doubt the demand for this mecha will remain a top priority for pilots for generations to come.
Excerpts from case ZHG-JKL-56b
[case date 39.12.26]
There is a special variant, the Justicar-D, this variant has slightly smaller ammo bins to accommodate additional detection gear and independent sensor platforms. It also has an extensive legal library, covering the multitude of regional and local laws within the Sengakuji Reaches. These Justicars are used by the elite journeymen, a unit whose members are expected to cope with any situation, and whose mission it is to ensure a smooth running of the realm. They are sent out to trouble hotspots, and the government doesn’t have or want to send a battalion of regular troops to handle it. Their solutions work, but are not always what the justice department envisioned...
Justina Dredd rubbed her stubby hands together and mused "Well, we finally tracked the Blackbeard gang to their lair, time to take them out" J(D)-LCH (Judge Lynch) answered her. {Not so fast. Tortuga is an associated planet. You need to get permission from the Governor first} "Well in that case, I better visit him, could you prepare a package. Some gift cigars and ID us as... oh custom patrol?" --
Puffing deeply on her cigar Justina met the Governors horrified gaze. "Yes. I was an Anzu pilot until an Inferno melted it into slag" Rubbing her short hand over her scalp where half melted connectors still could be seen, and touching her metallic eyes she continued, "But I am no longer an Anzu pilot. Now I am in the custom bureau. And I need your permission to search this region for contraband" The Governor tore his gaze away, "I am so sorry, but any such search must be done by a duly appointed officer, and none are available right now" Justinas mouth quirked, "Then, you must appoint me temporary officer. Regulation zx-tb-53a" The Governor grumbled, but soon Justina had her licence and permits. As she left he reminded her, "According to planetary law, you are to be unarmed. No agent can use more force than the suspects in question have used on planet" --
The first warehouse was clean. Justina nodded to herself, and went to the last on the list. She was just starting to register the contraband when a convoy of trucks pulled up outside, and the crew came pouring in. The crew was startled when they saw her, but numbers were on their side, two seized her while a third stripped and frisked her brutally. A blow to the head sent her to the floor, and darkness engulfed her. --
She woke and took stock of the situation. They had put her old padded jacket back on her, everything else was gone. She was being held upright in the hand of a Notos. Standing in front of her was a man with a truly impressive beard, holding a vile smelling capsule. and behind the man was the mis tcovered sea of Sarib. "My name is Teach. I am in the acquisition and import business. I want to give you the opportunity of a lifetime. Join my company, and you will be given much. Good looks, three-digit fingers, real eyes, new implants and the opportunity for vengeance in a Mech much more powerful than an Anzu. Justina spat in his face "You are a criminal, and the Judge will deal harshly with you. I would rather be flung out to the sea and the sharks than serve you" "As you wish, but since those eyes are worth something I will take them instead of letting a shark have them." He reached for her face, squeezed, and her vision disappeared. She heard him climb the Mech, and then she was thrown violently away. --
Justina quickly ensured her jacket was properly fastened, and as the mist hit her face she pulled on two tabs. The shoulder seam tore and a hidden parachute deployed. {I have you on scanner, steer a bit to the right, just so} --
Dried, back in the cockpit of Judge Lynch and two new eyes in place, Justina listened to the report. {The microsensors from your cigar smoke picked up the Governor’s warning to Teach, and his suggestion that he get rid of you. Right now the eyes are reporting another discussion. The Governor wants Teach to conduct a raid on a Hegemony world. They are to gate out at midnight local time} "Well, we better get ready to surprise them then" --
The Blackbeard`s formation was following the road. As it passed through a ravine they marched three abreast in ten lines. It was just another two kilometers to the portal. Then two of the rearmost Mechs detonated, and more shots poured into the rear ranks. "Dammit, we have a BFM of unknown configuration behind us, turn and.." The Blackbeard’s turned and tried to fight back, but the black monster they dimly perceived sent penetrating shots n their direction that felled two and three Mechs at a time. Those furthest away turned again and ran for the portal, while their brethren were blown to bits behind them. Soon there were no one left to oppose it, and the tremors it caused as it ran and gained on them were frightening. "How can anything so fast be so big?" swore a pirate just before an Arbitrator cut his Nakshi in two. As the Blackbeard`s arrived at the portal, they discovered it had been rendered inoperational. The remaining five mecha turned to face the opponent, but before they could manage to get any shots off there were only two of them left. Teach`s Notos fired a Prometheus, while the Boreas at his side managed to hit with a Khron. Still the monster fired, and the Boreas’ head disappeared. Flames were dying on the monster, and the twin guns swung toward Teach`s Notos again, twin flashes and he fell as the Notos lost both legs. A massive hand reached into the cockpit of the downed Mech and fished him out. He saw the diminutive form of Justina descend and gasped "You? but how.." Justinas backhand blow struck his face so hard his right eye popped out of its socket. "You know what they say, an eye for an eye"
{Yes, we must give him a new eye}
Both heads turned questioningly toward Judge Lynch. {The Governor consorted with pirates and conspired to have an official killed. He must hang. But we need a new Governor, and who better to find all the buried bodies than the gravedigger? Let the chief crook catch the rest of them. Oh, and Teach?} Groggy from the blow Teach muttered "Yes?" {The new eye will report all your actions to a computer. As long as the computer is satisfied, as long as the eye and the computer work, as long as the eye is not removed or damaged, it will not explode. I expect you to be the most honest Governor ever, unless you lose your head}
As of Today a new legend s being told around the Mecha Galaxy. Sherriff Leary Wretham has become renowned as a legendary pilot of the 105 ton Justiciar Class Mecha. In the hands of a pilot like Wretham the key abilities of the Justiciar - potent shielding, devastatingly powerful projectile attacks, and the chance for instantaneously deadly critical hits - all reach their fullest potential. Powered by the experimental Black Neutron Exchanger, the Justicar is effectively powered by the gravitational forces of a miniature blackhole, allowing for extreme mobility of it's sleek form in addition to crippling firepower potential. Wretham has a long and storied legend in the mecha galaxy. Debuting in the 14th ever Clan was of August 3821, Wretham has developed a reputation as a particularly merciless and dedicated to her craft. Adhering to a strict training regimen of early mornings and long nights, Wretham's training for excellence never comes to a full stop. The effects of this training are readily apparent to any foes faced on the field of battle. Wretham's reflexes and perceptive abilities are trained to an élite level. Rumors shared by clanmates present and former whisper that once Wretham has locked her target via the Roxol Heptagon A.I. no foe has ever walked away. Wretham also has a reputation for restlessness, having fought with and against multiple major clans over her years in the Mecha galaxy, particularly allying herself with Clan Fusion and it's associated chapters. Wretham, however, prefers to keep relationships on an induvial level, and can count on a multitude of pilots scattered across the mecha clans as allies. As Wretham's legend inevitably grows her list of allies, and enemies, will certainly grow as her legend does.
Includes 4 barrels for rapid fire long range attacks.
Includes 4 barrels for rapid fire long range attacks.
Includes 4 barrels for rapid fire long range attacks.
Vengeance is a dish best served at hypersonic velocity.
Vengeance is a dish best served at hypersonic velocity.
Vengeance is a dish best served at hypersonic velocity.
Even the biggest challengers are going to get leveled by the Leveler.
Even the biggest challengers are going to get leveled by the Leveler.
Even the biggest challengers are going to get leveled by the Leveler.
Even the biggest challengers are going to get leveled by the Leveler.
A cheap, yet reliable primary weapon for infantry formations.
A cheap, yet reliable primary weapon for infantry formations.
A cheap, yet reliable primary weapon for infantry formations.
If purchased individually, these weapons alone would cost:
33763 Ferrite
25109 Bioptics
666 Crystal
33 Niodes
Ferrite: | 26000 |
Bioptics: | 23500 |
Niodes: | 125 |