
Ferrite: 3300
Bioptics: 2050
Niodes: 100

The esteemed Brotherhood of San Lorenzo have always been a staunch defender of the society of Cogwerk planets.

When the Technomancers forces arrived, they were as usual in the frontline, doing their very best to stem the tide and rolling it back. In the process of doing so, they took severe losses, but also had several successes, among them the capture of several more or less intact Mechs having some of the Technomancers newest inventions.

Med Bot will repair damage to this mech.

If this mech is at full health, Med-Bot will repair the mech next to it.

Statistical Readout
Tonnage 65
Armor Points 200
Start Weapons 5
Min Level 40
Min Heavy Skill 20
Levels/Weapon 7
Manufacturer Star Factories
Build Slow (8)
Build Reflect 2%
Build Med-Bot (25)
Level 2 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 3 Shield (2)
Level 4 Reflect 1%
Level 5 Freeze 10%
Level 6 Ice Shield 5%
Level 7 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 8 Precision (5)
Level 9 Speed + 2
Level 10 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 13 Reflect 5%
Level 14 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 15 Trample Shield 12%
Level 16 Freeze 10%
Level 18 Proj. Shield 5%
Level 19 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 20 Crit Shield 5%
Level 21
+ every 7 levels
+ 1 Weapon Slot
Level 22 Reflect 1%
Level 23 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 24 Laser Shield 5%
Level 26 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 27 Fork Shield 15%
Level 28 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 29 Freeze 10%
Level 30 Shield (2)
Level 31 Reflect 2%
Level 33 Missile Shield 5%
Level 36 Splash Shield 5%
Level 37 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 39 Shield (2)
Level 40 Med-Bot (25)
Level 40 Reflect 1%
Level 41 Trample Shield 20%
Level 44 Crit Shield 5%
Level 44 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 45 Speed + 2
Level 48 Shield (2)
Level 50 Freeze 10%
Level 50 Reflect 2%
Level 50 Slow (5)
Level 51 Proj. Shield 5%
Level 54 Wide Fork Shield 20%
Level 55 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 58 Reflect 1%
Level 60 Ice Shield 5%
Level 63 Splash Shield 5%
Level 64 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 67 Reflect 2%
Level 69 Trample Shield 12%
Level 72 Laser Shield 5%
Level 73 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 75 Shield (2)
Level 76 Reflect 1%
Level 78 Missile Shield 5%
Level 80 Med-Bot (25)
Level 81 Slow (2)
Level 85 Reflect 2%
Level 87 Proj. Shield 5%
Level 91 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 93 Shield (2)
Level 94 Reflect 1%
Level 96 Splash Shield 5%
Level 100 Freeze 10%
Level 100 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 102 Shield (2)
Level 103 Reflect 2%
Level 104 Trample Shield 5%
Level 108 Ice Shield 5%
Level 109 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 111 Shield (2)
Level 111 Reflect 1%
Level 114 Trample Shield 12%
Level 117 Speed + 2
Level 118 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 120 Med-Bot (50)
Level 120 Shield (2)
Level 121 Reflect 2%
Level 123 Laser Shield 5%
Level 125 Wide Fork Shield 20%
Level 127 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 129 Shield (2)
Level 130 Reflect 1%
Level 132 Missile Shield 5%
Level 136 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 138 Shield (2)
Level 139 Reflect 2%
Level 145 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 146 Shield (2)
Level 148 Reflect 1%
Level 150 Freeze 10%
Level 150 Trample Shield 5%
Level 153 Speed + 2
Level 156 Shield (2)
Level 157 Reflect 2%
Level 160 Med-Bot (50)
Level 163 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 165 Shield (2)
Level 166 Reflect 1%
Level 173 Shield (2)
Level 174 Reflect 2%
Level 180 Slow (2)
Level 183 Shield (2)
Level 184 Reflect 1%
Level 188 Splash Shield 5%
Level 190 Speed + 2
Level 190 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 192 Shield (2)
Level 193 Reflect 2%
Level 198 Speed + 2
Level 200 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 210 Med-Bot (50)
Level 250 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 260 Med-Bot (50)
Level 300 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 310 Shield (2)
Level 310 Med-Bot (50)
Level 316 Reflect 2%
Level 325 Freeze 5%
Level 329 Ice Shield 2%
Level 334 Precision (2)
Level 337 Speed + 2
Level 340 Reflect 2%
Level 343 Trample Shield 5%
Level 348 Freeze 5%
Level 350 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 353 Proj. Shield 2%
Level 358 Crit Shield 2%
Level 362 Reflect 2%
Level 367 Laser Shield 2%
Level 370 Fork Shield 5%
Level 380 Freeze 5%
Level 383 Shield (2)
Level 388 Reflect 2%
Level 391 Missile Shield 2%
Level 395 Splash Shield 2%
Level 399 Shield (2)
Level 400 + 1 Shield Slot

These captured mechs were handed over to the technical branch of the order, and soon the plans for incorporating these inventions began to take form.

While other manufacturers made modules to fit onto existing models, the Brotherhood technicians had a more ambitious goal; to make a fresh model from scratch, using a blend of old and new technologies to make a truly revolutionary design.

One of the biggest problems facing Commanders in the furious battles when Mechs clash have always been to keep their Mechs operational longer than the opponents. The introduction of the hives of Auto-Repair nanites had helped, but these could only keep the Mech they were installed on working. With the introduction of the Med-Bot the possibility of having a dedicated repair team in the frontlines changed from suicidal to possible.

Discussions of what tonnage it was to be incorporated in was fierce. Some wanted it in a BFM to keep it as tough as possible, other wanted to have it in a lighter Mech to hold the cost down. In the end they landed on a low slung 65 ton Mech.

Thus were the plans for the Tick started.

Somehow resembling the successful Craftsmen Mechs, the Tick is a bigger and taller quad Mech, having a seemingly slow and measured gait.

Despite its deceptively slow gait, it is actually the fastest Mech of its tonnage class. Fully developed, -at 12 over combat standard it is a hair faster than even the venerable Smilidon . To keep the speed high as it scurries among its wounded brethren, it have also been given room for up to five additional Engine modules as it is brought to its full potential.

To fuel this speed, and provide the energy needed for the other modules, it was given a slightly compacted Tuxon fusion plant, originally made for the 80 ton Nakshi Mech. The output is almost the same, but the room demanded for it is one of the reasons for the somewhat high main body.

The Tick is not an agile Mech in itself, so the engineers decreed it would need plenty of modules to dodge incoming fire. Deciding to give it the same amount of modules as the slower Megazome, the promise of room for up to six Chassis Modules for a fully developed Tick should answer the critics concern of it being a sitting target.

At the heart of the Tick, instead of standard Auto-Repair nanobot hives, it will eventually have room for almost two dozen Med-Bots to keep its linemates operational. These Med-Bots will probably be kept quite busy as the Tick runs back and forth, making critical emergency repairs to keep its linemates in the fight for a few additional exchanges of fire.

To keep the Tick operational for as long as possible, the engineers gave it the perhaps the best Shield package for a heavy Mechs ever made. Fully developed it have a general shielding capable of shrugging of an unaugmented hit from a Veridan Beam (34 damage). It will also reduce all incoming direct fire by approximately a seventh. The shielding module will also counteract secondary hits. Those originating from its linemates will be lessened by a seventh to two Fifths, while its ability to drop to the ground should let around two Thirds of damage originating in the previous line to pass harmlessly over it. As the Tick comes fully operational, it will also have room for an impressive seven Shield modules, easily more than any other heavy Mech models so far produced.

The Tick`s most critical components have also been given some redundancy and emergency bypass routes. This is estimated to keep the Mech operational even after suffering what should have been a mission-kill, -at least once in a while.

As a last resort, it have also been given a Jiu-Jitsu module that unerringly sends a retaliatory strike back to its attacker consisting of better than a third of the damage suffered.

But all of these inventions do come at a price. The cramped carapace simply do not have room for as much weaponry as its compatriots, the Smilidon and the Megazome.

The targeting computer is based on the Black Box known from the Megazome. While its virus package have been improved to reduce an opponents firing speed significantly, the better than even odds of totally freezing an opponent in its tracks is a new twist most pilots will heartily approve of. The Black Box will eventually have room for two supporting modules modules.


Tick comes fully equiped with:



Hornet's Nest


Hornet's Nest

Splash 6%

Precision (4)

Each missile has a built-in guidance system that enables it to track the target and attack from various angles.






2X Damage 8%

Precision (4)

Long Range Assault Strike Laser. Affectionately referred to as the the RazzleDazzle by the testing team.



Surge cannon


Surge cannon

Crit-Kill 4%

Precision (5)

A massive cannon used to break defensive lines and allow troops to surge in after.



Tesla Missile


Tesla Missile

Fork 50%

Precision (3)

This missile splits into an anode and cathode pair, creating a traveling lighting bolt that electrocutes all in its path.



Six Shooter


Six Shooter

3X Damage 6%

Precision (3)

A misinterpretation of historical texts led to this reimagining of an old west classic.

If purchased individually, these weapons alone would cost:
2255 Ferrite
1854 Bioptics
51 Niodes


Buy a Tick

Ferrite: 3300
Bioptics: 2050
Niodes: 100