
Ferrite: 2900
Bioptics: 2500
Crystal: 140

The Illyrian Hegemony's primary mecha manufacturer, Star Factories unveiled the latest addition to their monopoly of Fire weapon focused mecha in 3308 and named it the Pyrophorus. Designed in collaboration with the Radix Tribes, this mecha is the answer to the Illyrian military’s request for an economical machine to deploy their Fire and plasma weaponry.

Statistical Readout
Tonnage 60
Armor Points 135
Start Weapons 5
Min Level 31
Min Heavy Skill 15
Levels/Weapon 6
Manufacturer Star Factories
Build Fire Damage + 2%
Build Speed - 4
Level 3 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 4 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 6 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 6 Fire Damage + 2%
Level 9 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 11 Fire Damage + 2%
Level 12 2X Damage 4%
Level 12 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 15 Laser Shield 3%
Level 17 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 18 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 18
+ every 6 levels
+ 1 Weapon Slot
Level 18 Proj. Shield 3%
Level 20 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 21 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 23 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 25 Missile Shield 3%
Level 26 2X Damage 4%
Level 27 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 29 Fire Damage + 4%
Level 30 Ice Shield 3%
Level 32 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 34 Fire Shield 3%
Level 36 Speed + 4
Level 37 Missile Shield 3%
Level 38 Fire Damage + 4%
Level 39 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 40 Splash 3%
Level 41 Ice Shield 3%
Level 43 2X Damage 4%
Level 45 Fire Shield 3%
Level 46 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 50 Fire Damage + 9%
Level 54 Laser Shield 3%
Level 57 Splash 3%
Level 65 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 68 Proj. Shield 3%
Level 74 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 80 Fire Shield 3%
Level 83 Fire Damage + 4%
Level 87 2X Damage 3%
Level 92 Ice Shield 3%
Level 95 Splash 4%
Level 100 Slow (4)
Level 107 Missile Shield 3%
Level 109 Fire Damage + 4%
Level 116 Laser Shield 3%
Level 122 2X Damage 3%
Level 127 Proj. Shield 3%
Level 131 Splash 4%
Level 138 Fire Shield 5%
Level 145 Slow (4)
Level 148 Ice Shield 5%
Level 154 Fire Damage + 5%
Level 159 Missile Shield 5%
Level 163 2X Damage 3%
Level 167 Laser Shield 5%
Level 173 Splash 5%
Level 179 Proj. Shield 5%
Level 180 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 188 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 193 Laser Shield 6%
Level 197 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 200 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 202 Proj. Shield 6%
Level 205 Splash 3%
Level 206 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 215 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 216 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 220 Fire Shield 6%
Level 225 Splash 3%
Level 231 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 239 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 240 Fire Damage + 2%
Level 244 Fire Damage + 2%
Level 250 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 250 2X Damage 2%
Level 270 Laser Shield 2%
Level 276 Fire Damage + 2%
Level 285 Proj. Shield 2%
Level 293 Fire Damage + 2%
Level 299 Missile Shield 2%
Level 300 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 306 2X Damage 2%
Level 313 Fire Damage + 2%
Level 329 Ice Shield 2%
Level 336 Fire Shield 2%
Level 343 Speed + 2
Level 350 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 352 Missile Shield 2%
Level 358 Fire Damage + 2%
Level 372 Splash 2%
Level 375 Ice Shield 2%
Level 384 2X Damage 2%
Level 395 Fire Shield 2%
Level 399 Fire Damage + 4%
Level 400 + 1 Cockpit Slot

Work on the Pyrophorus began a few years before the Shogunate became unstable. Pilots around the galaxy were deciding how much to get involved in the open hostilities in the Shogunate and everyone was moving in one direction or another. Star Factories turned to the Radix Tribes manufactory for the design of the Pyrophorus after their incredible success with the Typhoon project and its Storm Cell system.

Rather than use a older model, Radix designed a new A.I. called the Salamander 4 for use in the Pyrophorus. The Salamander 4 relies on its three upgrade ports during initial deployment. Several anti-mech viruses come online with higher levels of upgrades, allowing the Pyrophorus to disrupt electronic systems on opposing mecha, slowing their reaction times and ability to return fire. A threat assessment subroutine also directs weapon fire to any targets near the primary boosting the Splash ability already present in many Fire weapons.

The modified Storm Cell power plant system in the Pyrophorus is ideally suited to any Fire weapons mounted on the mech. The capacitors of the system allow for discharges significantly above the range of power of a standard Fire weapon. With built-in overload capacitors for the weaponry and rapid recharges gained for overloads with upgrades, the damage output of the Pyrophorus far surpasses any other Crystal based mecha when using Fire weapons.

The chassis of the Pyrophorus has shield pods that provide a moderate level of protection against every known type of weapon. With high levels of upgrades the Storm Cell capacitors mounted throughout the mecha are quickly recharged allowing for increased protection. A secondary benefit of the Storm Cell system being dispersed across the frame of the mech is that is makes room for custom equipment to be added to the Pyrophorus. Triple mounts are provided for additional equipment to be added to the Engine and Chassis as well as three mounts for heavy Shield emitters.

The Pyrophorus also features a unique motive system. The tripod legs bear most of the weight of the mecha and assist with steering and navigating on difficult terrain. The underside of the mecha houses a dedicated engine that provides upward lift, similar to a ground-effect vehicle. Engineers knew that true flight would be too costly, and the Hexapod movement system was too complex for the design, so they created this Augmented Tripod Movement System, borrowing elements from other designs like the Fides and Novum. This design is both adaptable and sturdy, the outcome that designers were seeking.

The Pyrophorus has quickly became a standard unit in Illyrian battalions. The reappearance of Xerxes in 3307 compounded the threat of disorder along the fringe-worlds and commanders garrisoning gateways that directly linked to Shogunate worlds were in urgent need of reinforcements. Mercenary clans were also looking for an affordable addition to their forces built to effectively deploy Fire weapons and this mecha fits the bill.

When the Radix Tribes invented the Red Ant in 3087, it revolutionized combat across the galaxy. Their initial and overwhelming success with the design had the potential to make the Radix Tribes key players in both Illyrian and Galactic politics. All the noble houses of the Hegemony immediately began to curry favor and attempted to recruit them to their respective banners.

Reclusive and semi-nomadic, the Radix Tribes had no interest in the political scuffle and virtually ignored the entire affair. Even today the Radix Tribes rarely involve themselves with the politics of the Hegemony. They have declined to send a representative to the Illyrian Senate for years at a time.

After the success of the Red Ant, the Illyrian noble houses sought to solidify the the support of the Radix Tribes for their own agendas. The House of Aurelius introduced a petition to the Illyrian Senate to grant the Radix Tribes the status of a noble house in order to prevent them from joining with another house. When that petition was rejected out of hand, the House of Romulus proposed to make them a common house. This had the same effect but placed the Radix Tribes in a lesser position of power, and so passed unanimously.

While the Noble Houses had hoped this new status would encourage Radix to become involved with their political machinations in the Illyrian Senate, the Radix Tribes have continued to ignore the entire affair. Many have speculated about the Radix Tribes plans and motivations but few know the truth. Their original Red Ant facility has been expanded to facilitate additional production lines for the Pyrophorus and Typhoon and it remains their only permanent settlement.

The Radix Tribes are known to engage and mercilessly destroy any bandit clan or pirate band that attacks any of their settlements. You can be sure that the Pyrophorus will play a significant part in all of their battles.

Legendary Pilots

  • Glenn Forgames

    Glenn Forgames

    After answering a call for aid on Novum Delorium, Glenn found himself the owner of a Pyrophorus, and he quickly became the mecha's most skilled test pilot. While demonstrating its fiery weapon capabilities to Radix tribe observers during the summer monsoons, Glenn pushed his Pyro's engines so hard that he vaporized all water within 120 meters. Grateful for a reprieve from the rains, they gave his Pyrophorus the moniker “Anti Rain Man” and promised him free beer whenever he visited. His warning to any novice pilots: this is one HOT mecha!


Pyrophorus comes fully equiped with:



Square Flame


Square Flame

2X Damage 2%

3X Damage 2%

Four small streams of fire engulf opponents mech's in fire. Surround mechs with flames on all sides.



Square Flame


Square Flame

2X Damage 2%

3X Damage 2%

Four small streams of fire engulf opponents mech's in fire. Surround mechs with flames on all sides.






Burn 2%

Improvements in the fuel of this flamethrower enable it to deliver a burst of heat that can linger and cause additional burn damage.






Burn 2%

Improvements in the fuel of this flamethrower enable it to deliver a burst of heat that can linger and cause additional burn damage.



Double Flame


Double Flame

2X Damage 5%

Two streams of fire vulcanize your opponents. They will burn.

If purchased individually, these weapons alone would cost:
2745 Ferrite
2364 Bioptics
61 Crystal


Buy a Pyrophorus

Ferrite: 2900
Bioptics: 2500
Crystal: 140