
Ferrite: 12000 On Sale!
Bioptics: 10500 On Sale!
Niodes: 125 On Sale!

The Onyx project was initiated by Legionnaires of Galactic Trade in 3317 during a flare up of tensions between the Shogunate and Illyrian Hegemony.

Both major powers claimed sovereignty of a cluster of fringe worlds. While none of the worlds were heavily populated or contained large resource wealth, they did create the quickest gateway path to a major trade hub in both Hegemony and Shogunate territories.

Statistical Readout
Tonnage 85
Armor Points 215
Start Weapons 12
Min Level 65
Min Heavy Skill 40
Levels/Weapon 4
Manufacturer Legionnaires of Galactic Trade
Build 3X Damage 4%
Build Speed - 24
Build Freeze 4%
Build Proj. Shield 5%
Level 2 Slow (2)
Level 3 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 4 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 6 Freeze 4%
Level 8
+ every 4 levels
+ 1 Weapon Slot
Level 9 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 10 Speed + 4
Level 13 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 14 3X Damage 3%
Level 17 Slow (2)
Level 18 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 21 Freeze 4%
Level 22 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 25 Missile Shield 10%
Level 26 3X Damage 3%
Level 27 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 29 Speed + 4
Level 30 Ice Shield (10)
Level 33 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 35 3X Damage 4%
Level 38 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 39 Laser Shield (10)
Level 40 Speed + 4
Level 41 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 42 Slow (2)
Level 45 Shield (10)
Level 47 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 49 Speed + 7
Level 50 3X Damage 10%
Level 51 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 53 Ice Shield (10)
Level 54 Freeze 5%
Level 57 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 58 Laser Shield (15)
Level 61 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 63 Speed + 3
Level 65 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 67 Proj. Shield 5%
Level 70 Crit-Kill 4%
Level 74 Freeze 5%
Level 75 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 77 3X Damage 7%
Level 81 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 82 Shield (10)
Level 86 Wide Fork 2%
Level 89 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 93 Speed + 4
Level 94 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 97 1.5X Damage 3%
Level 99 Wide Fork 5%
Level 101 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 106 1.5X Damage 4%
Level 109 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 113 Wide Fork 5%
Level 117 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 119 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 122 Freeze 3%
Level 128 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 133 Slow (2)
Level 136 1.5X Damage 4%
Level 139 Proj. Shield 5%
Level 142 Freeze 3%
Level 147 Ice Shield (10)
Level 150 Wide Fork 5%
Level 155 Slow (2)
Level 161 3X Damage 4%
Level 166 Missile Shield 5%
Level 173 Freeze 3%
Level 178 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 185 Proj. Shield 5%
Level 190 1.5X Damage 4%
Level 197 Laser Shield (15)
Level 205 Slow (2)
Level 210 1.5X Damage 4%
Level 214 Freeze 2%
Level 218 Speed + 2
Level 224 3X Damage 1%
Level 235 Slow (1)
Level 243 Freeze 2%
Level 260 1.5X Damage 3%
Level 280 Missile Shield 5%
Level 289 3X Damage 1%
Level 294 Speed + 1
Level 300 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 304 1.5X Damage 4%
Level 311 Ice Shield (5)
Level 316 3X Damage 2%
Level 319 Laser Shield (5)
Level 322 Speed + 2
Level 337 Slow (2)
Level 344 Shield (5)
Level 346 Speed + 1
Level 356 3X Damage 5%
Level 362 Ice Shield (5)
Level 372 Freeze 2%
Level 380 Laser Shield (5)
Level 386 Speed + 2
Level 389 1.5X Damage 4%
Level 391 Proj. Shield 2%
Level 397 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 400 + 1 Shield Slot

Neither side wanted to invest the resources to protect or colonize the cluster. Instead, they sent small units or hired less-reputable and bandit clans to raid each other's lines of commerce in a proxy war.

The raiding came close to an open conflict after a minor Shogunate functionary was injured in one of the raids. The Shogunate demanded a public apology and restitution, while the Illyrians claimed ignorance of the event and conveniently disavowed the contract with the bandits involved.

To make matters worse, Evil Santa’s minions began a concentrated search in the area in mid 3318. As they did in other parts of the galaxy, they attacked anyone and everyone they encountered. The Hegemony and Shogunate each took this as an opportunity to blame the other for war crimes and atrocities, claiming that the other was behind Evil Santa’s attacks.

With neither side willing to back down, the Legionnaires stepped in to restore order. Due to the large number of forces in the region, the Legionnaires hired the Heroes clans family of mercenaries to supplement their units and provide 'advisors' for limited tonnage and rapid counter-strike missions.

Due to the highly fluid situation and the need to perform a variety of missions, Legionnaire command ordered a design that could excel using any offensive package while their advisors lobbied for solid defence and a fast moving platform to counter the inevitable BFM class mecha they would be facing.

The Legionnaire engineers constructed the Black Lotus A.I. specifically for the Onyx mecha. This A.I. contains a pair of particularly vicious mecha system viruses that it can upload to enemy forces to impede their attacks. The first, code name Cinder, overwhelms the opponent’s systems with false commands to slow their reaction time. The second, code name Ashe, attempts to shutdown the entire operating system of an enemy mech. Fully upgraded, a pilot can expect a successful Freeze of an enemy roughly one out of three attempts.

The Black Lotus also makes considerable use of a multi-targeting Wide Fork algorithm with sufficient tech upgrades, enabling the Onyx to engage every opponent in line of sight. The final A.I. component, Target scanners are included in the programming to search for any vulnerable armor plates that could be exploited for a one shot Crit-Kill. The Black Lotus carries six slots for the installation of custom equipment.

Powering the Onyx is the Daemon engine. This powerplant is designed to have an aggressive power to weight ratio at all stages of upgrade. Straight off the assembly line, the Daemon generates enough excess power to fill the 3X overload capacitors.

As it is upgraded, additional 1.5X capacitors are enabled on the Daemon, giving pilots the opportunity for a greater number of more powerful overloads. The six ports for additional engine boosters have earned this powerplant the nickname “Speed Daemon”.

Defensively, the Onyx carries a wide range of shielding. A general shield system is installed to deflect any attack. Additional shield systems are interwoven to provide greater protection from both Laser and Ice weaponry.

A pair of shoulder-mounted Black Rock ballistic defense plates comprise the third piece of the defensive package. This system will absorb a healthy percentage of all projectile weaponry fire. To supplement the Black Rock, Onyx designers installed an Obsidian Shard Cannon. This close-in weapon system will shoot down a portion of all incoming missile attacks.

Rounding out the defenses are five ports for heavy shielding modules. These allow a pilot to build a full pentagram shield to protect against all known weapon types or heavily reinforce against one specific attack, depending on mission requirements. The Chassis is also designed with five ports for custom heavy equipment, giving pilots a wide range of offensive or defensive options to complete their mission.

First deployed against Evil Santa’s minions, the Onyx has gained quick popularity among mercenary pilots, especially among the Heroes clans. By all reports, they were quite reluctant to return the mecha at the end of their mission for the Legionnaires. Disparities in the number of Onyx mecha supposedly in the Legionnaires roster is currently under investigation while those that somehow remained in Heroes squadrons appear to have completely impeccable ownership records.

Legendary Pilots

  • Colin Toenjes

    Colin Toenjes

    Having been around since Clan War III, the Heroes clan is one of the Galaxy's oldest continuously operational clans, and has built a reputation for stability and consistency over the years. This is why in 3318, the Legionnaires hired the Heroes clan to field-test their new Onyx mecha. Long known among his Heroes teammates for his exceptional preference for (and widespread use of) flames on the battlefield, Heroes XO Colin Toenjes saw great potential in the new design and immediately configured his to utilize a variety of fire-based weaponry.

    Colin's early production model Onyx, nicknamed CinderFall, serves as the hunter-killer slot in his Primary Fire line. It can usually be found either sweeping the field with wide swaths of flame in advance of his signature triple-Ignis formation or headhunting using the Onyx's exceptionally accurate targeting in combination with a carefully gathered and hoarded set of Craftsmen-created fire weaponry to immediately cripple and neutralize enemy commanders and other key units.

    It can be distinguished from the other Onyxes in service on the battlefield with the Heroes clan by the distinctive artwork painted on its shoulder pauldrons; it depicts a woman in a gold-trimmed red dress, her raven-dark hair covering one eye and the other wreathed in an aura of unimaginable power. Her seductively evil smile has been the last thing many warriors see as their systems overheat and shut down under the burning assault from Colin's Onyx.


Onyx comes fully equiped with:



Chiller Equation


Chiller Equation

Freeze 17%

Slow (12)

No matter how you add it up, you lose. It's chiller.



Chiller Equation


Chiller Equation

Freeze 17%

Slow (12)

No matter how you add it up, you lose. It's chiller.



Prism Flower


Prism Flower

2X Damage 8%

3X Damage 8%

Two dozen micro lasers combine their energy into one powerful blast.



Prism Flower


Prism Flower

2X Damage 8%

3X Damage 8%

Two dozen micro lasers combine their energy into one powerful blast.



The Punisher


The Punisher

Fork 40%

3X Damage 6%

These missiles will make your challengers pay for their mistakes.



The Punisher


The Punisher

Fork 40%

3X Damage 6%

These missiles will make your challengers pay for their mistakes.



Hex Cannon


Hex Cannon

Trample 4%

Rapid fire slugs from six barrels at once. Can mow down a small mountian and whatever's behind it.



Hex Cannon


Hex Cannon

Trample 4%

Rapid fire slugs from six barrels at once. Can mow down a small mountian and whatever's behind it.






Burn 9%

The flames are incidental to the primary attack mode leading some to believe it is a flamethrower.






Burn 9%

The flames are incidental to the primary attack mode leading some to believe it is a flamethrower.

If purchased individually, these weapons alone would cost:
15554 Ferrite
10700 Bioptics
248 Crystal
54 Niodes


Buy an Onyx

Ferrite: 12000 On Sale!
Bioptics: 10500 On Sale!
Niodes: 125 On Sale!