
Ferrite: 13000
Bioptics: 8000
Niodes: 135

Statistical Readout
Tonnage 85
Armor Points 210
Start Weapons 11
Min Level 67
Min Heavy Skill 40
Levels/Weapon 4
Manufacturer Alpha Corporation
Build Splash 5%
Build Trample 4%
Build Speed - 26
Level 2 3X Damage 10%
Level 3 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 4 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 4 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 4 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 5 Speed + 3
Level 6 Trample 4%
Level 7 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 8
+ every 4 levels
+ 1 Weapon Slot
Level 8 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 9 Missile Damage + 6%
Level 10 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 11 Splash 3%
Level 13 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 14 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 15 Laser Damage + 6%
Level 16 Trample 4%
Level 17 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 18 Ice Damage + 6%
Level 19 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 20 Fork 5%
Level 23 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 26 Trample 4%
Level 28 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 29 Speed + 3
Level 30 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 31 Splash 3%
Level 33 Speed + 5
Level 33 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 36 Trample 4%
Level 37 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 38 Fork 5%
Level 39 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 39 Missile Damage + 8%
Level 40 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 41 Splash 3%
Level 43 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 46 Trample 4%
Level 48 Speed + 3
Level 50 Laser Shield 25%
Level 50 Fire Shield 25%
Level 50 Fork 25%
Level 53 Speed + 2
Level 54 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 60 Trample 10%
Level 61 Trample 4%
Level 64 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 67 Missile Damage + 6%
Level 70 2X Damage 20%
Level 73 Splash 3%
Level 75 Wide Fork 10%
Level 80 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 83 Laser Damage + 6%
Level 106 Trample 4%
Level 110 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 111 Ice Damage + 6%
Level 117 Fork 5%
Level 128 Trample 4%
Level 136 Speed + 2
Level 144 Splash 3%
Level 149 Speed + 4
Level 154 Trample 4%
Level 157 Fork 5%
Level 161 Missile Damage + 8%
Level 166 Splash 3%
Level 174 Trample 4%
Level 182 Speed + 2
Level 188 Speed + 2
Level 191 Speed + 2
Level 200 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 200 Trample 4%
Level 211 Missile Damage + 6%
Level 223 Splash 3%
Level 234 Laser Damage + 6%
Level 237 Trample 4%
Level 244 Ice Damage + 6%
Level 248 Fork 5%
Level 257 Trample 4%
Level 261 Speed + 2
Level 268 Splash 3%
Level 277 Speed + 4
Level 284 Trample 4%
Level 291 Fork 5%
Level 295 Missile Damage + 8%
Level 300 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 308 Splash 3%
Level 312 Trample 4%
Level 316 Speed + 2
Level 323 Speed + 2
Level 332 Speed + 2
Level 338 Trample 4%
Level 348 Missile Damage + 6%
Level 351 Splash 3%
Level 372 Laser Damage + 6%
Level 381 Trample 4%
Level 391 Ice Damage + 6%
Level 400 Fork 5%

One of the greatest breakthroughs in computer technology in the now mythical ancient digital age was the parallel processor. While a mainstay of system architecture today, it was a revolutionary thought to split the processing load into multiple streams, rather than speeding the main processor. Frustrated with the targeting computer limitations involved in Assault mechs larger number of weapons, designers at Star Factories decided to rethink targeting altogether.

Parallax in science is defined as the apparent difference in position from two points of view. The Parallax Targeting System has four linked computers that independently process all targeting information to calculate tactical action. While initially slower than conventional targeting, the parallax effect immediately produces the chance of a deadly triple damage hit, as well as spreading the damage through both trample and splash to adjacent or following mecha.

As the targeting system develops, it moves from being able to spread damage beyond the main target, to being able to target independently multiple opponents with fork and eventually wide fork abilities.

Rookie pilots have reported problems with schizophrenia from being linked to a Machine Intelligence Unit that is sharing several simultaneous points of view; but elite pilots love it, once they can process the multiple viewpoints. The ability of the Torrent to engage multiple targets at once, while retaining the focus needed for targeting specific weak points for multiple times damage hits, is priceless.

Due to the dispersed nature of the Parallax system, it is easily and quickly upgraded with new equipment and enhancements. Surprisingly easy to maintain, its redundant systems also enable it to retain nearly full function even after sustaining heavy damage. For this reason, the mech is often favored by commanders of heavy lances, as they can retain full command and control, even in the fiercest fighting.

Equipped with a powerful mix of fire, ice, laser, and missile weapons, the standard Torrent weapons compliment the targeting advantages offered by its processor systems, making them each almost as effective as on mecha built around that one class of weapon. Even knowing its capabilities, commanders find it almost impossible to defend against all the advantages of this deadly mecha.

Legendary Pilots

  • Don Fugate

    Don Fugate

    CWO of Zeon, Don "FU" Fugate, has built his fearsome reputation on the scrap pile of thousands of vanquished enemy mechs. Although he has piloted most types of mechs, it is his skill with the Torrent that has gained him renown status throughout the Clans. His skill combined with the devastating firepower of his Torrents can wipe out most enemy formations with just a few well placed shots.

  • Ian Deeks

    Ian Deeks

    Ian Deeks--Cpt of Cyberstorm's 5th company, It was while on contract with Star Factories, He was attacked by pirates and his Sever was damaged beyond repair. For his diligence, they replaced his Sever with one of the first Torrents to roll off the assembly line.

  • Charles Tomlin

    Charles Tomlin

    Charles aka ONSLAUGHT : was a mercenary to the elite clans of the galaxy. no one knows where he came from nor his history, but he is highly respected by most in the galaxy. He is a man of his convictions and follows "A higher power". On the battlefield, he fights with an almost divine wrath and vengeance. His torrents are almost unstoppable!

  • Thodoris Liolios

    Thodoris Liolios

    General of the Brotherhood, his stubbornness and persistence are near legendary, traits that all members of the Brotherhood seem to have in common. The first time he set eyes on the Torrent he fell in love with the mech.He immediately made it his personal flagship - of sorts- and named it Thanatos.


Torrent comes fully equiped with:






Fork 60%

Splash 10%

Let the grey geese fly.



Flavian Spear


Flavian Spear

Crit-Kill 15%

This rare and devastating laser weapon has been handed down to pilots of the House of Strategoi for 5 generations.



CatEye Mega


CatEye Mega

Freeze 21%

2X Damage 10%

Cat Eyes use ultra powerful enamines to freeze all thermal activity.



Cat Eye


Cat Eye

Freeze 18%

2X Damage 10%

Cat Eyes use ultra powerful enamines to freeze all thermal activity.



Midas Missile


Midas Missile

Splash 5%

Midas-class missiles are unique--their blast radius renders most radioactive elements inert upon impact.



Midas Missile


Midas Missile

Splash 5%

Midas-class missiles are unique--their blast radius renders most radioactive elements inert upon impact.



Goliath Rack


Goliath Rack

Splash 5%

A powerful, swarm-based missile rack. Features subfield targeting and class Z missile thrusters.



Goliath Rack


Goliath Rack

Splash 5%

A powerful, swarm-based missile rack. Features subfield targeting and class Z missile thrusters.






Slow (10)

Originally designed for preparing volatile materials for interplanetary transport, the Enveloper serves its name well.

If purchased individually, these weapons alone would cost:
9246 Ferrite
6763 Bioptics
167 Crystal
66 Niodes


Buy a Torrent

Ferrite: 13000
Bioptics: 8000
Niodes: 135