
Ferrite: 24300
Bioptics: 14000
Niodes: 110

The Reaper was designed and released to the galaxy in response to a small but growing isolationist movement in the Society of Cogwerk Planets (SoCP) in the year 3315. Recent attacks on mecha facilities by the Valkyries and the marauding armies under the command of Charles Newburn, the Feeder of Ravens, had prompted many citizens to voice their concerns about the stability of SoCP and the ability of the military to maintain security for them.

Statistical Readout
Tonnage 100
Armor Points 265
Start Weapons 11
Min Level 111
Min Heavy Skill 55
Levels/Weapon 3
Manufacturer Talbus Arms
Build Proj. Damage + 8%
Build Speed - 30
Build Trample 2%
Build Trample Shield 10%
Level 3 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 4 3X Damage 2%
Level 5 Missile Vulnerable 4%
Level 6
+ every 3 levels
+ 1 Weapon Slot
Level 7 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 8 Fire Shield (10)
Level 9 Splash Shield 5%
Level 10 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 12 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 14 Speed + 3
Level 16 Freeze 4%
Level 17 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 19 Slow (3)
Level 20 Trample 2%
Level 22 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 23 Shield (8)
Level 25 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 26 Trample Shield 5%
Level 28 Missile Vulnerable 4%
Level 29 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 30 3X Damage 4%
Level 31 Freeze 4%
Level 32 Speed + 5
Level 34 Fire Shield (10)
Level 35 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 36 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 37 Trample Shield 5%
Level 38 Precision (3)
Level 41 Slow (3)
Level 42 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 44 Splash Shield 5%
Level 47 Speed + 3
Level 48 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 49 Missile Vulnerable 6%
Level 50 Proj. Damage + 8%
Level 50 3X Damage 8%
Level 54 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 55 Trample 6%
Level 56 Shield (9)
Level 58 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 59 Freeze 5%
Level 61 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 63 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 64 Splash Shield 10%
Level 67 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 67 Missile Vulnerable 6%
Level 68 Speed + 3
Level 69 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 72 3X Damage 6%
Level 73 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 74 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 76 Trample Shield 5%
Level 78 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 79 Trample 6%
Level 80 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 83 Speed + 5
Level 85 Freeze 6%
Level 86 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 88 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 91 Fire Shield (10)
Level 92 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 94 Missile Vulnerable 6%
Level 95 Trample 6%
Level 97 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 100 Precision (6)
Level 100 3X Damage 6%
Level 101 Proj. Damage + 8%
Level 104 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 106 Slow (6)
Level 110 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 112 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 116 Speed + 5
Level 119 Missile Vulnerable 8%
Level 122 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 127 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 131 Precision (6)
Level 133 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 137 Trample 6%
Level 140 3X Damage 4%
Level 145 Shield (12)
Level 149 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 152 Speed + 3
Level 155 Proj. Damage + 5%
Level 158 Auto Repair (2)
Level 161 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 164 Missile Vulnerable 8%
Level 169 Precision (6)
Level 173 Trample 6%
Level 176 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 178 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 182 Freeze 6%
Level 185 3X Damage 4%
Level 192 Trample 6%
Level 210 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 218 3X Damage 1%
Level 226 Missile Vulnerable 2%
Level 243 Fire Shield (5)
Level 246 Splash Shield 2%
Level 255 Proj. Damage + 2%
Level 280 Speed + 1
Level 297 Freeze 2%
Level 300 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 302 Slow (1)
Level 325 Trample 1%
Level 334 Shield (4)
Level 344 Proj. Damage + 2%
Level 358 Trample Shield 2%
Level 364 Missile Vulnerable 2%
Level 370 3X Damage 2%
Level 376 Freeze 2%
Level 387 Speed + 1
Level 390 Fire Shield (5)
Level 398 Proj. Damage + 2%
Level 400 + 1 Shield Slot

It was at this critical juncture that NovaStar, the engineering and consulting consortium that helped produce the Fext and Humbaba mecha designs approached Military High Command of Cogwerk to collaborate on a new design. Talbus Arms had long been tasked with internal military matters concerning SoCP. With all the recent threats to the galaxy, Talbus Arms was primed to take a more active role in ensuring the defense of the realm and they advocated for the project to move forward.

Under the leadership of NovaStar’s Test Pilot Program Director and Project Manager, Jaime Beltran, the NovaStar design team developed the Reaper schematics quickly. Jaime’s extensive experience with the Fext class mecha made him an ideal candidate for this role. His team worked with Talbus to have the new design ready for approval in just a few weeks.

When Talbus Arms released the blueprints for the Reaper to the Society of Cogwerk Planets central planning commission, they were met with both skepticism and approval. No manufacturers in the SoCP had designed a 100 mecha yet and Talbus Arms’ largest production mecha to date was the Buchis. Cogwerk needed to start competing with the other manufacturers making BFMs if they wanted to keep a realistic business edge. NovaStar’s considerable influence with the mercenary clans provided a large ready-made market for the Reaper, which helped Talbus get the support they needed to proceed to the manufacturing stage.

The Reaper’s offensive electronics suit is built around the massive Gustav class A.I. The primary focus this A.I. is projectile firepower. Fully upgraded, the Reaper can expect to see an impressive boost to damage from cannon fire. To ensure that those cannons hit their mark, a large portion of the system’s processing power is dedicated to the targeting systems. This dedicated power generates a hit ratio that’s 21% greater than an unaugmented unit.

Secondary targeting systems are used to enhance the Trample effect already in place on many Projectile systems, allowing the pilot to weaken approaching enemy forces before they reach the line of battle. Also included in the programming is a sophisticated target analysis system, dubbed by the test pilots the “Achilles Switch”. This program searches for exposed systems or damaged armor plating and directs a one shot Crit-Kill into the opposing mecha.

A pair of anti-mech viruses are built into the Gustav class A.I. to degrade the effectiveness of any foe. The “Earwig” sends thousands of random commands per second to the enemy mecha, which slows its reaction time as it sorts out the false positive commands. The “Heartworm” virus uses a brute force override to attempt a shutdown of an opponent's mecha. This type of forced restart can take an enemy out of the battle long enough to disable them before they can return fire. Fully upgraded, the Gustav supports seven slots for custom equipment.

A supercharged fusion accelerator powers the Reaper. The power output of this accelerator can easily meet the demands of the motive systems while generating enough excess to charge the overload capacitors built into the weapons systems. These capacitors enable the Reaper to generate massive triple force salvos that can easily devastate most attackers.

As with all mecha of this size, the Reaper is a bit ponderous when it rolls off the assembly line, but fully upgraded the power plant will bring its speed up near to combat optimal. The addition of seven custom equipment modules for the engine combined with the rapid rate of fire that make projectile systems so popular alleviate any concerns about raw speed.

In addition to a generous amount of equipment, the accelerator has a pair integral Auto-Repair nanobot swarms. A small drawback to this system is unique signature created by the fusion containment field. The wavelength is easily isolated, making this mecha somewhat susceptible to missile fire.

The primary defensive platform for the Reaper is comprised of six mounts for heavy shielding modules housed in the framework of the mecha. The installation of a C.I.D.S. (Close In Defense System) provides protection from area attacks. This system reduces the effectiveness of Trample or Splash attacks in battle, giving the Reaper more resilience in battle.

The chassis of the Reaper is also studded with shield emitters. Mounted in pairs, the first emitter deflects any incoming weapons fire while the second is tuned to absorb damage from Flame weapons.

The Reaper design has been wildly popular among the mercenary clans since the initial announcement. Several of its design features were clearly taken from the very successful Fext and the venerable workhorse of many armies, the Oggun. The Reaper is stepping off the assembly line with a good chance of becoming an instant classic and another high profile success for NovaStar. Several units were dispatched to assist in the defeat of the Feeder of Ravens and quickly are becoming a common sight in the forces of the elite clans of the galaxy.

Legendary Pilots

  • Robert C Goetz Sr.

    Robert C Goetz Sr.

    This pertinacious old veteran leads the Death's Clans deployed in the Battlefield from his personal Reaper, ornate with the “The Affiliation” {AFF} grinning Skull, surrounded by his first clan, the Death's Collectors, that keep alive the flame of their glory with occasional victories heavily contested in the first divisions.

    He is the creator of one of the oldest and most prolific of factions, {AFF}, whose several units, the Death’s Squads, have come to compete in the Mecha Tournaments for many years. He came to personally control most of them through a legion of clones, developed with gene technology stolen from Dr. Drake laboratories.

    Despite the many controversies that he has been a part of, Mr. Goetz is a paternalistic leader and a family man under whose protection some of the most illustrious pilots of the galaxy have emerged.

  • David Cox

    David Cox

    When General Nova was asked what kind of soldiers he wanted in his army, he pointed to David Cox and said: That's the kind of soldiers I prefer, this one is not a star with an ego bigger than a red giant, neither is a smart-ass of those who think they know everything, nor a hero who will let himself be killed for the honor and the glory. No, Cox is a stone, a solid stone, hard to peel, which can be trusted because it will always remain the same hard stone and sometimes that is simply what is needed, a good stone like that with which David struck down Goliath. This is the David I want in my army.

    David "Stone" Cox lives up to his nickname, and as a solid and hard stone, he has remained for a long, long time among the most stable members of the Warlock clan, accumulating experience and showing an imperturbable patience and tenacity.

    The 100 tons of David's Reaper resemble an imperturbable mountain in the battlefield, whose contained fury patiently awaits the opportune moment to break through the enemy ranks, crushing them in its path like a millstone.


Reaper comes fully equiped with:






2X Damage 10%

Slow (8)

It comes to the battle to gather fresh victims for its master.






2X Damage 10%

Slow (8)

It comes to the battle to gather fresh victims for its master.



Raven's Claw


Raven's Claw

Trample 12%


Darkness there, and nothing more.



Raven's Claw


Raven's Claw

Trample 12%


Darkness there, and nothing more.






Trample 7%

After this cannon delivers a round, all you can hear is the sound of the wind.






Trample 7%

After this cannon delivers a round, all you can hear is the sound of the wind.






Precision (6)

MAK-47. When you've absolutely, positively got to kill every mecha in the room, accept no substitutes.






Precision (6)

MAK-47. When you've absolutely, positively got to kill every mecha in the room, accept no substitutes.






Precision (6)

MAK-47. When you've absolutely, positively got to kill every mecha in the room, accept no substitutes.






Precision (6)

MAK-47. When you've absolutely, positively got to kill every mecha in the room, accept no substitutes.






Precision (6)

MAK-47. When you've absolutely, positively got to kill every mecha in the room, accept no substitutes.

If purchased individually, these weapons alone would cost:
23800 Ferrite
18000 Bioptics
500 Crystal
42 Niodes


Buy a Reaper

Ferrite: 24300
Bioptics: 14000
Niodes: 110