
Ferrite: 23500
Bioptics: 19500
Crystal: 440

The Tower mecha represents an a level of engineering and design that was, until recently, thought impossible. Contact with the Metaverse proved otherwise and every mecha producer began to work on designs for a mecha of greater than 100 tons. It came as no surprise that NovaStar was the first to bring one of these behemoth’s to the marketplace.

Statistical Readout
Tonnage 105
Armor Points 275
Start Weapons 11
Min Level 130
Min Heavy Skill 65
Levels/Weapon 5
Manufacturer NovaStar
Build Speed - 37
Build Fire Damage + 10%
Build Proj. Damage + 5%
Build 2X Damage 5%
Level 4 Ice Vulnerable 2%
Level 4 Fire Damage + 2%
Level 5 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 7 2X Damage 3%
Level 9 Proj. Vulnerable 3%
Level 9 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 10
+ every 5 levels
+ 1 Weapon Slot
Level 10 2X Damage 3%
Level 10 Ice Vulnerable 2%
Level 11 Speed + 2
Level 13 Fork Shield 20%
Level 15 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 15 Proj. Vulnerable 3%
Level 16 Ice Vulnerable 2%
Level 16 3X Damage 2%
Level 17 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 18 Trample Shield 20%
Level 19 Laser Shield 5%
Level 20 Ice Vulnerable 2%
Level 20 Speed + 2
Level 21 Proj. Vulnerable 3%
Level 21 2X Damage 2%
Level 23 Proj. Damage + 2%
Level 25 Fire Damage + 2%
Level 25 Ice Vulnerable 4%
Level 25 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 26 Fork Shield 20%
Level 28 Ice Vulnerable 2%
Level 28 3X Damage 1%
Level 30 Proj. Vulnerable 3%
Level 30 Fire Damage + 2%
Level 31 Speed + 2
Level 33 Ice Vulnerable 2%
Level 33 2X Damage 2%
Level 34 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 37 Ice Vulnerable 2%
Level 37 2X Damage 2%
Level 37 Shield (3)
Level 38 Laser Shield 5%
Level 39 Speed + 2
Level 39 Proj. Vulnerable 3%
Level 40 3X Damage 2%
Level 40 Ice Vulnerable 2%
Level 44 Speed + 2
Level 46 Shield (3)
Level 48 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 48 Fork Shield 30%
Level 50 3X Damage 3%
Level 50 Trample 5%
Level 50 Proj. Damage + 2%
Level 50 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 51 Speed + 2
Level 56 Splash Shield 20%
Level 58 Shield (3)
Level 59 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 62 Speed + 2
Level 64 Proj. Damage + 2%
Level 65 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 66 Shield (3)
Level 68 Splash Shield 20%
Level 71 Laser Shield 10%
Level 72 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 73 Speed + 2
Level 74 Trample Shield 20%
Level 75 3X Damage 1%
Level 75 Proj. Damage + 3%
Level 78 Shield (3)
Level 81 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 83 Speed + 2
Level 86 Fire Damage + 1%
Level 87 Shield (3)
Level 88 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 89 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 94 Speed + 2
Level 96 Splash Shield 30%
Level 97 Shield (3)
Level 98 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 99 Trample Shield 30%
Level 100 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 100 3X Damage 3%
Level 100 Trample 5%
Level 100 Proj. Damage + 2%
Level 101 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 102 Missile Shield 5%
Level 104 Shield (3)
Level 107 Speed + 2
Level 109 Wide Fork Shield 20%
Level 110 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 111 Laser Shield 5%
Level 113 Speed + 2
Level 117 Shield (3)
Level 118 2X Damage 3%
Level 121 Shield (3)
Level 123 Speed + 2
Level 124 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 125 3X Damage 1%
Level 125 Proj. Damage + 3%
Level 127 Wide Fork Shield 20%
Level 129 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 134 Speed + 2
Level 137 Fire Damage + 1%
Level 142 Missile Shield 5%
Level 144 Speed + 2
Level 148 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 150 3X Damage 3%
Level 150 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 150 Proj. Damage + 2%
Level 150 Trample 5%
Level 154 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 156 Shield (3)
Level 159 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 161 Laser Shield 5%
Level 163 2X Damage 3%
Level 167 Shield (3)
Level 169 Fire Damage + 1%
Level 171 Missile Shield 5%
Level 173 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 175 Proj. Damage + 3%
Level 175 3X Damage 1%
Level 176 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 177 Proj. Damage + 2%
Level 178 Shield (3)
Level 179 Fire Damage + 2%
Level 183 Proj. Damage + 3%
Level 186 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 191 Proj. Damage + 2%
Level 194 Proj. Damage + 2%
Level 196 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 198 Shield (3)
Level 200 Trample 5%
Level 200 Wide Fork Shield 30%
Level 200 2X Damage 3%
Level 200 3X Damage 3%
Level 200 Proj. Damage + 2%
Level 200 Fire Damage + 4%
Level 206 Missile Shield 5%
Level 207 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 209 2X Damage 4%
Level 211 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 214 Laser Shield 10%
Level 216 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 218 Fire Damage + 4%
Level 238 Ice Vulnerable 1%
Level 244 Fire Damage + 1%
Level 265 2X Damage 1%
Level 287 Proj. Vulnerable 1%
Level 290 Ice Vulnerable 1%
Level 296 2X Damage 1%
Level 300 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 304 Speed + 1
Level 309 Fork Shield 5%
Level 327 Proj. Vulnerable 1%
Level 331 Fire Damage + 1%
Level 362 Ice Vulnerable 1%
Level 371 3X Damage 1%
Level 399 Trample Shield 5%
Level 400 + 1 Engine Slot

General Nova and his team at NovaStar began design work on the Tower as soon as they first became aware of the possibility a functional mecha weighing over 100 tons could indeed become a reality. With this breakthrough NovaStar proved to be the definition of cutting edge mecha technology.

The {Fortress} A.I. constructed for the tower mecha is a relatively uncomplex design when compared on paper to models used in smaller mecha. But appearances can be deceiving. The {Fortress} excels when meshed with Flame weapons. Fully upgraded the A.I. will boost the projected damage of such weaponry by 50% of expected output. Projectile weapons also receive a considerable boost the {Fortress}, preliminary testing shows a 35% greater yield to armor damage when using cannons. The flexibility of the {Fortress}’s design is what gives it its greatest punch. With six ports available for the addition of custom equipment the Tower can be configured for a variety of missions.

Powering the Tower is a Thunderstorm Cell system which is an upgraded and enlarged version of the Storm Cell plant that powers the Typhoon mecha. The Thunderstorm houses two massive banks of overload capacitors that are tied directly to the weapons systems. At full upgrade a pilot can expect to see a double powered 2X salvo on neatly one third of shots fired. In addition, 20% of salvo’s will receive a tri-power 3X boost to output.

As with all mecha, the larger they are the slower they go. While the Tower comes off the assembly line a bit ungainly a majority of the deficit in combat speed is offset by upgrades to the power plant.

Defensively the Tower is heavily protected from many types of attacks. Area attacks like Splash and Trample are reduced by 70% by way of electronic signal generators that project a false positive target lock to opposing mecha’s A.I. Multiple target attacks using Fork and Wide Fork are also greatly reduced in effectiveness in much the same way. These attacks can be reduced by up to 70% simply because an enemy pilot will be fooled into targeting a nearby rock formation rather than the mecha. The Chassis mounts several shield pods that will protect against any weapons fire that does strike the Tower. In addition, the ablative armor reduces the effectiveness of Laser weaponry by 40% when fully upgraded and a point defense system will negate up 20% of all incoming missile fire. The Chassis provides slots for six additional equipment modules as well as seven ports for heavy shield pods to further protect the mecha.

The Tower mecha represents a new era in super heavy mecha combat. The Mercenary Clans as well as the militaries of the Major and Minor powers are developing new tactics and strategies to include this new class of fighting machine into their operations.


Tower comes fully equiped with:






Trample 8%

Vengeance is a dish best served at hypersonic velocity.






Burn 12%

Uses local airflow to create wind and turns it into a spinning vortex of flame.






Splash 12%

Equipped with a nozzle that sprays boiling oil to damage additional attackers.






Splash 12%

Equipped with a nozzle that sprays boiling oil to damage additional attackers.






Trample 7%

After this cannon delivers a round, all you can hear is the sound of the wind.






Trample 7%

After this cannon delivers a round, all you can hear is the sound of the wind.






Burn 11%

Warning: Fires globs of molten material that stick and burn. That's gonna leave a mark.






Burn 11%

Warning: Fires globs of molten material that stick and burn. That's gonna leave a mark.



Rail Cannon


Rail Cannon

An enhanced power coupler and dissipation unit and redesigned acceleration chamber make this a much more powerful rail gun.



Rail Cannon


Rail Cannon

An enhanced power coupler and dissipation unit and redesigned acceleration chamber make this a much more powerful rail gun.



Rail Cannon


Rail Cannon

An enhanced power coupler and dissipation unit and redesigned acceleration chamber make this a much more powerful rail gun.

If purchased individually, these weapons alone would cost:
28050 Ferrite
20500 Bioptics
678 Crystal


Buy a Tower

Ferrite: 23500
Bioptics: 19500
Crystal: 440