
Ferrite: 25000
Bioptics: 19500
Crystal: 440

With the discovery of advanced engineering techniques garnered from the Metaverse, the possibility of a mecha design of greater than 100 tons changed overnight from conjecture to reality. Super heavy engineering became the focus of every major, minor, and independent manufacturer of anything mecha related. It was not surprising that the cutting edge think tank NovaStar was the first to produce a homegrown model.

Statistical Readout
Tonnage 105
Armor Points 275
Start Weapons 12
Min Level 136
Min Heavy Skill 65
Levels/Weapon 5
Manufacturer Schwarzbär Collective (Star Factories)
Build Missile Damage + 10%
Build Splash 5%
Build Speed - 30
Build Auto Repair (1)
Level 2 Fire Vulnerable 5%
Level 4 Precision (3)
Level 5 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 6 Trample Shield 10%
Level 8 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 10
+ every 5 levels
+ 1 Weapon Slot
Level 12 Splash 5%
Level 14 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 14 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 16 Fork 5%
Level 19 Fire Vulnerable 5%
Level 21 Trample Shield 5%
Level 22 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 26 Speed + 3
Level 27 Splash 5%
Level 30 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 31 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 34 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 36 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 38 Splash 5%
Level 42 Trample Shield 5%
Level 43 Shield (3)
Level 44 Fork 5%
Level 46 Splash Shield 5%
Level 47 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 49 Fire Vulnerable 5%
Level 50 Speed + 3
Level 50 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 50 Auto Repair (1)
Level 52 Fork 5%
Level 53 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 56 Shield (2)
Level 58 Fork 5%
Level 61 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 61 Trample Shield 10%
Level 64 Splash 5%
Level 66 Missile Damage + 3%
Level 69 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 72 Splash 5%
Level 73 Speed + 3
Level 74 Splash Shield 5%
Level 75 Precision (3)
Level 76 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 78 Shield (10)
Level 81 Trample Shield 5%
Level 83 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 86 Splash Shield 5%
Level 86 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 92 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 93 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 96 Splash Shield 5%
Level 96 Missile Damage + 3%
Level 99 Fire Vulnerable 5%
Level 100 Missile Damage + 3%
Level 100 Speed + 3
Level 100 Auto Repair (1)
Level 100 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 100 Laser Shield 3%
Level 103 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 106 Missile Damage + 3%
Level 108 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 111 Laser Shield 3%
Level 112 Shield (2)
Level 113 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 117 Splash 5%
Level 117 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 121 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 122 Trample Shield 5%
Level 124 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 124 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 126 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 127 Speed + 3
Level 128 Missile Damage + 3%
Level 134 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 135 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 137 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 138 Precision (5)
Level 139 Trample Shield 5%
Level 139 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 142 Proj. Shield 3%
Level 146 Missile Damage + 1%
Level 149 Fire Vulnerable 5%
Level 149 3X Damage 5%
Level 150 Auto Repair (1)
Level 150 Missile Damage + 5%
Level 150 Speed + 3
Level 151 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 157 Splash Shield 5%
Level 159 Proj. Shield 3%
Level 161 Splash 5%
Level 162 Trample Shield 5%
Level 164 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 167 Speed + 2
Level 168 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 170 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 171 Proj. Shield 3%
Level 173 Speed + 3
Level 176 Missile Damage + 5%
Level 178 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 178 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 179 Speed + 2
Level 182 Proj. Shield 2%
Level 183 Fork 2%
Level 184 Trample Shield 5%
Level 186 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 187 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 193 Fork 3%
Level 194 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 196 Trample Shield 15%
Level 200 Missile Damage + 5%
Level 200 Auto Repair (1)
Level 200 Speed + 3
Level 203 Shield (2)
Level 207 Missile Damage + 3%
Level 212 Missile Damage + 3%
Level 217 Fork 5%
Level 225 Precision (5)
Level 233 Missile Damage + 3%
Level 238 Speed + 2
Level 250 3X Damage 5%
Level 260 Speed + 2
Level 267 Missile Damage + 3%
Level 271 Fire Vulnerable 2%
Level 275 Precision (1)
Level 279 Trample Shield 5%
Level 281 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 285 Splash 2%
Level 292 Missile Damage + 1%
Level 295 Fork 2%
Level 300 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 302 Fire Vulnerable 2%
Level 306 Trample Shield 2%
Level 309 Speed + 1
Level 317 Splash 2%
Level 320 Missile Damage + 1%
Level 324 Missile Damage + 1%
Level 328 Splash 2%
Level 332 Trample Shield 2%
Level 336 Shield (1)
Level 339 Fork 2%
Level 343 Splash Shield 2%
Level 347 Fire Vulnerable 2%
Level 351 Missile Damage + 1%
Level 355 Speed + 1
Level 359 Auto Repair (1)
Level 363 Fork 2%
Level 366 Shield (1)
Level 369 Fork 2%
Level 372 Trample Shield 5%
Level 375 Splash 2%
Level 380 Missile Damage + 1%
Level 384 Splash 2%
Level 387 Speed + 1
Level 390 Splash Shield 2%
Level 393 Precision (1)
Level 397 Missile Damage + 1%
Level 399 Shield (5)
Level 400 + 1 Chassis Slot

The Major Powers of the galaxy quickly began yet another arms race to be the first to equip their armies with these new “105 class” mecha, purchasing them as fast as they could be produced. They also began their own projects to design and construct a model for themselves. The Shogunate, while nearly recovered economically from their civil war, has a diminished manufacturing base after the loss of several prefectures. The Society of Cogwerk Planets were dealing with a massive pirate incursion and were also embroiled in a political battle over the proper course of action to eliminate the threat. With the issues faced by the other Major Powers it was no surprise that the Illyrian Hegemony was the first of the big three to produce a super heavy design.

Star Factories awarded the Arc Light contract to the Common House Schwarzbär Collective by default. None of the Noble Houses were willing to be the first to produce a Crystal based mecha no matter how prestigious the contract was. The Arc Light project was a formidable challenge for Schwarzbär not only because super heavy engineering is still a developing field, but also the mecha was their first design not to feature Ice weaponry as its primary focus.

For the A.I. of the Arc Light, Schwarzbär designers chose to modify an existing Star Factory model rather than create an entirely new product. This decision saved both time and money, and allowed the engineers to focus on the daunting task of creating a motive system that would perform well enough to prevent the mecha from being little more than a stationary target.

The A.I. selected for the project was a Star Factory 50 series. After upgrades and modifications the production model became known as the 52-D. This A.I. provides an impressive array of offensive capabilities. The primary targeting system is built around delivering optimal output from missile weapons. Fully upgraded the system will deliver an 87% greater damage output from missiles over factory standards. Realising that high volume fire is virtually useless without accuracy the designers included redundant target auto-correction to boost precision by a whopping 16%. For extra punch, they were able to include 3X Damage on one out of ten hits. As the 52-D is designed to deliver missiles, the programming includes secondary targeting algorithms to enhance those features that are commonly found on those weapon systems. Fork is increased by 30% and Splash attacks gain a 40% boost. The 52-D includes six hardpoints for the installation of custom equipment.

Powering the Arc Light is an Attuned Plasma Generator. This power unit is designed for one thing and one thing only: moving this massive mecha at combat speeds. The final production version does that and better than even the designers imagined. Fully upgraded it will move the Arc Light at speeds of +2 over combat optimal, which is more than several lighter mecha can attain. To ensure battlefield longevity the design includes five auto-repair nanobot swarms. Also included are five ports for additional equipment.

The Chassis of the Arc Light is obviously quite spacious due to the inclusion of its multiple missile systems. Even with the wide array of weapons and accompanying ammo bays there is still room for up to seven additional equipment modules to be housed in the Chassis.

Defensively the Arc Light features a generous array of shielding. A primary shield system will absorb incoming damage from any source before secondary, specifically tuned shields take over. Both Laser and Projectile weapon countermeasures are installed. Area attacks like Splash and Trample are also met with active reduction of effectiveness shielding. Additionally six ports are included for the installation of heavy shield modules. There is one drawback to the system. As is inherent to most modern Missile Mecha, the Arc Light is somewhat vulnerable to Fire damage.

The completion of the Arc Light design for the Illyrian armed forces is a major political coup for the Schwarzbär Collective. The Noble Houses are already filling their ranks with this new design, while rumors have begun to circulate that the Schwarzbär Collective’s newfound favoritism with Star Factory executives may allow them to be the first Common House to produce a Niode mecha for the Hegemony.


ArcLight comes fully equiped with:



Amnesia Torpedo


Amnesia Torpedo

3X Damage 7%

The ultimate in fire-and-forget missile technology. Direct hits are devastating.



Sniper Rack


Sniper Rack

Precision (8)

An upgraded guidance system with a four-layer targeting lock ensures more direct hits.



Sniper Rack


Sniper Rack

Precision (8)

An upgraded guidance system with a four-layer targeting lock ensures more direct hits.



Sniper Rack


Sniper Rack

Precision (8)

An upgraded guidance system with a four-layer targeting lock ensures more direct hits.






Fork 10%

The hour has come for retribution... heads are going to roll.






Fork 10%

The hour has come for retribution... heads are going to roll.






Fork 10%

The hour has come for retribution... heads are going to roll.



Metal Mamba


Metal Mamba

Splash 11%

Strike and scatter. Send your enemies running for cover.



Metal Mamba


Metal Mamba

Splash 11%

Strike and scatter. Send your enemies running for cover.



Death Head


Death Head

Splash 4%

Lesser forces have been known to quickly retreat at the mere sight of this terrifying weapon.



Death Head


Death Head

Splash 4%

Lesser forces have been known to quickly retreat at the mere sight of this terrifying weapon.

If purchased individually, these weapons alone would cost:
29650 Ferrite
20500 Bioptics
766 Crystal


Buy an ArcLight

Ferrite: 25000
Bioptics: 19500
Crystal: 440