
Ferrite: 28500
Bioptics: 23500
Niodes: 125

Since the creation of the red ant, the costs associated with the research, development, and production of the modern mecha have exploded considerably. As such, the development of new mecha is a field dominated by a few key industrial players and powerful galactic governments; the few entities with the resources and power to 100 ton+ machines of destruction. With such high barriers to entry, many assumed the key players in mecha creation would remain fixed barring some sort of major galactic upheaval.

However, in industry so militant as mecha creation, innovation and creativity are a necessary lifeblood. Stagnation risks defeat, and the next super weapon could be the game changer that sets new battles and new wars into motion.

Statistical Readout
Tonnage 110
Armor Points 300
Start Weapons 12
Min Level 180
Min Heavy Skill 75
Levels/Weapon 2.5
Manufacturer Zodiac Amalgamated Industries
Build Crit-Kill 2%
Build Fire Shield (15)
Level 2 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 2 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 3 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 4 Speed + 3
Level 5 Laser Damage + 8%
Level 5 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 6 Fire Damage + 8%
Level 7 Laser Damage + 8%
Level 8 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 8 Fire Damage + 8%
Level 10
+ every 2.5 levels
+ 1 Weapon Slot
Level 10 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 13 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 14 Trample 3%
Level 16 Speed + 2
Level 17 Precision (2)
Level 20 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 20 Dodge (2)
Level 22 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 27 Precision (2)
Level 28 Laser Damage + 6%
Level 32 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 35 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 39 Speed + 1
Level 40 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 41 Fire Damage + 6%
Level 43 Dodge (2)
Level 44 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 46 Speed + 2
Level 49 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 50 Precision (2)
Level 50 Trample 5%
Level 50 Laser Damage + 6%
Level 52 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 54 3X Damage 2%
Level 58 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 60 Dodge (2)
Level 60 Fire Damage + 6%
Level 60 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 64 3X Damage 2%
Level 68 Speed + 1
Level 73 Precision (2)
Level 73 3X Damage 2%
Level 74 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 77 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 80 3X Damage 5%
Level 81 Speed + 1
Level 83 Laser Damage + 6%
Level 84 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 86 Fire Damage + 6%
Level 89 Laser Damage + 6%
Level 90 Trample 5%
Level 92 Fire Damage + 6%
Level 96 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 96 Precision (2)
Level 100 3X Damage 7%
Level 100 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 100 Trample 5%
Level 102 3X Damage 5%
Level 106 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 107 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 108 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 109 Laser Damage + 3%
Level 110 Dodge (2)
Level 115 Speed + 3
Level 119 Precision (2)
Level 121 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 127 Speed + 2
Level 128 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 133 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 137 Fire Shield (15)
Level 138 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 140 3X Damage 3%
Level 142 Precision (2)
Level 142 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 143 Speed + 2
Level 148 Laser Damage + 6%
Level 150 Trample 5%
Level 150 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 150 Dodge (2)
Level 152 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 157 Fire Damage + 6%
Level 160 Trample 5%
Level 160 Fire Damage + 6%
Level 160 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 163 Laser Damage + 6%
Level 163 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 168 Fire Damage + 6%
Level 170 Fire Damage + 6%
Level 173 Fire Damage + 6%
Level 176 Fire Shield (6)
Level 177 Fire Damage + 6%
Level 178 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 185 Crit-Kill 1%
Level 190 3X Damage 10%
Level 190 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 194 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 199 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 200 Trample 8%
Level 200 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 200 Speed + 2
Level 205 Dodge (2)
Level 212 3X Damage 3%
Level 214 Fire Shield (6)
Level 218 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 220 Dodge (2)
Level 222 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 224 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 230 Speed + 2
Level 234 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 235 Fire Shield (6)
Level 237 Fire Shield (9)
Level 242 Laser Damage + 3%
Level 246 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 250 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 250 Laser Damage + 3%
Level 253 Fire Damage + 3%
Level 258 Speed + 2
Level 258 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 263 Fire Shield (9)
Level 266 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 271 Trample 3%
Level 300 Speed + 2
Level 300 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 315 Speed + 1
Level 322 Laser Damage + 4%
Level 329 Fire Damage + 4%
Level 350 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 367 Fire Damage + 4%
Level 395 Fire Damage + 4%
Level 400 + 1 Chassis Slot

Sensing such a stagnation growing, a new player has entered the field, calling themselves Zodiac Amalgamated Industries. In the same moment the corporation announced its existence to the galaxy, it announced its reason for being - a new line of heavy mecha. Starting with the “Leo,” ZAI seems intent to position itself as a high caliber mega corp producing elite mecha. The company’s exact founders and investors remains a closely guarded secret - and all indications so far are that the company intends to position itself “above the fray” of any one galactic government, preferring the timeless strategy of being a neutral merchant of death. Due to the secretive nature of the core investor group, the high levels of finance and tech know-how needed to engage in such an endeavor, rumors swirl. Many propose it is simply a callous bid by monied interests to enrich themselves further, while others believe it to be a clandestine operation by one of the galactic governments to spy on other potential enemies under the guise of good business. Still others posit the possibility that it was created and automated by a sinister mind such as the dastardly doctor Drake.

Regardless of who benefits, the Leo itself is a finely tuned machine too difficult to turn down despite questions about its origin. The Leo boasts potent upgrades to both its accuracy as well as its ability to dodge enemy fire. Coupled with its high speed, and truly a devastating ability to critically strike its opponents, the Leo is an aggressive mecha that exemplifies a “strike first, strike last” approach to warfare. With a full 10 customizable slots for engine enchantments, the Leo is capable of generating speeds typically reserved for much smaller and lighter mecha. Pilots would also do well to take advantage of the strong synergy the mecha has with fire based weaponry, though laser weaponry too will get a significant boost.


Leo comes fully equiped with:






Burn 44%

Precision (9)

Dantes inferno pales in comparison.

If purchased individually, these weapons alone would cost:
1000 Ferrite
20 Niodes


Buy a Leo

Ferrite: 28500
Bioptics: 23500
Niodes: 125