
Ferrite: 15000 On Sale!
Bioptics: 11000 On Sale!
Crystal: 320 On Sale!

Building on the success of the Rook, Star Factories created a heavier mech with more maneuverability at a more accessible price.

Designers of the prototype Ballista struggled to find an ideal combination of speed, firepower and durability. In the end, they built a crowning achievement in the 80-ton class of mech, featuring a heavy shell and the capacity to unload copious amounts of ordinance quickly. It uses reverse-engineered technology from the Bishop and its adapted energy regulator, giving it more maneuverability than designs such as the Orester, although it remains a relatively slow-moving mech.

Statistical Readout
Tonnage 80
Armor Points 185
Start Weapons 7
Min Level 59
Min Heavy Skill 35
Levels/Weapon 6
Manufacturer Star Factories
Build Missile Damage + 5%
Build Speed - 8
Level 4 Laser Shield 4%
Level 5 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 6 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 8 Missile Damage + 5%
Level 10 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 11 Speed + 2
Level 12 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 12
+ every 6 levels
+ 1 Weapon Slot
Level 15 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 16 Missile Damage + 5%
Level 20 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 22 Speed + 2
Level 24 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 24 Laser Shield 4%
Level 24 Missile Damage + 5%
Level 25 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 28 Proj. Shield (5)
Level 28 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 30 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 32 Missile Damage + 5%
Level 33 Speed + 2
Level 35 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 36 Proj. Shield (5)
Level 38 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 40 Missile Damage + 5%
Level 40 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 44 Speed + 2
Level 45 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 48 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 48 Missile Damage + 5%
Level 50 Freeze 15%
Level 50 Speed + 10
Level 55 Speed + 2
Level 56 Missile Damage + 5%
Level 60 Crit-Kill 5%
Level 60 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 62 Proj. Shield (15)
Level 64 Missile Damage + 5%
Level 66 Speed + 2
Level 70 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 72 Missile Damage + 5%
Level 77 Speed + 2
Level 80 Missile Damage + 5%
Level 88 Missile Damage + 5%
Level 90 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 100 Precision (10)
Level 103 Laser Shield 2%
Level 111 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 116 Speed + 1
Level 123 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 195 Speed + 1
Level 200 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 206 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 217 Laser Shield 2%
Level 227 Proj. Shield (2)
Level 230 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 233 Speed + 1
Level 244 Proj. Shield (2)
Level 248 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 258 Speed + 1
Level 269 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 279 Speed + 1
Level 285 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 292 Freeze 5%
Level 305 Speed + 1
Level 316 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 322 Crit-Kill 2%
Level 329 Proj. Shield (5)
Level 342 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 349 Speed + 1
Level 355 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 363 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 379 Speed + 1
Level 387 Missile Damage + 2%
Level 400 + 1 Cockpit Slot

In recent years these behemoths have been in increasing demand and are now being deployed in the front line units on every major battlefield. In the recent Christmas war, field reports described moments when as many as three mechs at a time were being brought down in crossfire; but the Ballista prototype reportedly shrugged off the barrage of fire and continued to deliver its rain of missiles.

High density materials in the Ballista's armor make it resistant to the fastest and most common weapons on the battlefield: kinetic projectile impacts and laser fire. A roomy two-pilot cockpit allows one pilot to focus on maneuvering while the other engages targets. "Shoot and scoot" has long been the credo of both ballistic and rocket powered artillery and this mecha does that well. Also, in certain terrain and line-of-sight situations the long-range missiles employed by the Ballista can be devastating. It can play a pivotal role in either a front-line or rear-guard maneuver.

The Ballista has a unique power flow surging through the prototype Tiáolì-Pán missile launcher delivery system. The holmium wiring, with crystal node elements, produces surges of electrical discharge, both increasing the speed at which missiles can be fired and occasionally flooding targets hit by missiles with electrical current, shorting circuits and shutting down their ability to pursue forces. It has been found that the discharge can also be used to power a limited suite of shielding (including shielding against laser fire).

Like the Rook, the Ballista has high accuracy, a high volume of fire and a high rate of fire for missile systems. Based on the fact that not one Ballista class prototype was lost in the Christmas war, you can expect to see more and more frequent deployment of this mech.

Legendary Pilots

  • Che Tsing -- Che sacrificed himself and his Ballista by overcharging his Tiaoli-Pan launchers into a feedback loop, blowing up the mech and destroying or damaging enough Hegemony forces to allow his allies to retreat.


Ballista comes fully equiped with:



Midas Missile


Midas Missile

Splash 5%

Midas-class missiles are unique--their blast radius renders most radioactive elements inert upon impact.



Midas Missile


Midas Missile

Splash 5%

Midas-class missiles are unique--their blast radius renders most radioactive elements inert upon impact.



Death Head


Death Head

Splash 4%

Lesser forces have been known to quickly retreat at the mere sight of this terrifying weapon.



Death Head


Death Head

Splash 4%

Lesser forces have been known to quickly retreat at the mere sight of this terrifying weapon.



Death Head


Death Head

Splash 4%

Lesser forces have been known to quickly retreat at the mere sight of this terrifying weapon.



Goliath Rack


Goliath Rack

Splash 5%

A powerful, swarm-based missile rack. Features subfield targeting and class Z missile thrusters.



Goliath Rack


Goliath Rack

Splash 5%

A powerful, swarm-based missile rack. Features subfield targeting and class Z missile thrusters.

If purchased individually, these weapons alone would cost:
11300 Ferrite
7200 Bioptics
272 Crystal


Buy a Ballista

Ferrite: 15000 On Sale!
Bioptics: 11000 On Sale!
Crystal: 320 On Sale!