
Ferrite: 2600
Bioptics: 1700
Crystal: 120

In the wake of the Fourth Faction Wars, the commanders and strategists of the great clans saw there was a tactical need for a middle range mecha with a focus on Ice weaponry.

The marauding forces of Xerxes reminded everyone that Drotcha is still very much a threat, and the need was urgent. Not wanting to wade through the bureaucratic red tape for years to get such a project completed and with the thorough embarrassment of the house of Strategoi forces at the hands of “mercenaries and bandits” the major powers of the galaxy were reluctant to further arm forces not under their control.

Statistical Readout
Tonnage 55
Armor Points 125
Start Weapons 6
Min Level 27
Min Heavy Skill 10
Levels/Weapon 7
Manufacturer Asgard Heavy, LTD.
Build Ice Damage + 5%
Build Freeze 2%
Build Speed - 4
Level 4 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 5 Slow (2)
Level 6 Ice Damage + 3%
Level 7 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 8 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 9 Laser Shield (10)
Level 11 Ice Damage + 3%
Level 12 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 13 Trample Shield 20%
Level 14 + 1 Weapon Slot
Level 16 Ice Damage + 3%
Level 16 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 18 Fire Shield (10)
Level 18 Slow (2)
Level 19 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 21
+ every 7 levels
+ 1 Weapon Slot
Level 21 Ice Damage + 3%
Level 23 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 24 Speed + 3
Level 26 Ice Damage + 3%
Level 28 Freeze 5%
Level 29 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 31 Slow (2)
Level 34 Speed + 3
Level 35 Freeze 4%
Level 38 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 40 Ice Damage + 4%
Level 41 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 42 Freeze 5%
Level 46 Trample Shield 20%
Level 50 Freeze 15%
Level 58 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 61 2X Damage 10%
Level 65 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 72 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 76 Slow (5)
Level 78 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 81 2X Damage 10%
Level 84 Slow (5)
Level 90 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 93 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 100 2X Damage 25%
Level 109 Laser Shield (10)
Level 114 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 118 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 123 Fire Shield (10)
Level 130 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 136 Freeze 2%
Level 141 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 150 Laser Shield (10)
Level 157 Ice Damage + 3%
Level 163 Fire Shield (10)
Level 169 Freeze 2%
Level 174 Ice Damage + 3%
Level 182 Wide Fork Shield 6%
Level 191 Trample Shield 6%
Level 199 + 1 Shield Slot
Level 208 Fork Shield 6%
Level 217 Splash Shield 6%
Level 225 + 1 Cockpit Slot
Level 225 Slow (2)
Level 231 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 239 Laser Shield (5)
Level 245 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 251 Trample Shield 5%
Level 256 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 265 Slow (2)
Level 269 Fire Shield (5)
Level 273 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 275 + 1 Engine Slot
Level 285 Speed + 2
Level 288 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 292 Freeze 2%
Level 296 Slow (2)
Level 308 Speed + 2
Level 311 Freeze 2%
Level 314 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 319 Freeze 2%
Level 322 Trample Shield 5%
Level 328 Freeze 5%
Level 330 + 1 Chassis Slot
Level 334 2X Damage 5%
Level 339 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 345 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 371 Slow (2)
Level 375 2X Damage 5%
Level 381 Slow (2)
Level 385 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 388 2X Damage 5%
Level 392 Laser Shield (5)
Level 396 Ice Damage + 2%
Level 399 Fire Shield (5)
Level 400 + 1 Shield Slot

Several of the great warrior clans took matters into their own hands and commissioned a new design themselves. Turning to Asgard Heavy, manufacturers of excavating and drilling equipment designed for use in deep space or hostile atmosphere worlds, they produced the Warg.

Starting with the model 17-g-4 chassis, the engineers installed self-sealing internal joint bracing and strengthened the limbs with Cogwerk's combat alloy struts. This gave the chassis much greater flexibility while maintaining torsion resistance and preventing shearing and joint failures. The Chassis is easily modified for new missions keeping the down time between missions at a minimum.

The Electronics suite of the Warg is cutting-edge. The offensive electronics package makes good use of Slow and Freeze effects. Interestingly, these are not a side effect of cold, but instead are EMP bursts, radio jamming, computer hacks and other electronic warfare applications. Anti- A.I. viruses, reportedly developed to combat Artificial Mind, were readily supplied by the commanders of nearly every clan in the known galaxy. These give the Warg's computers a slim chance to override and shut down an enemy mech.

This margin increases significantly as the Warg is upgraded. The A.I. working hand in hand with the automated system feeds false commands and dummy sub-routines into the enemy system slowing reaction time and firing rate. Several custom upgrade ports are provided, up to four when fully upgraded, allowing commanders to tailor the unit in a variety of configurations for mission specific roles or pilot preference. At higher upgrade levels, the heavier niode matrices begin to generate double powered overloads to an already deadly salvo.

The power plant at the core of the Warg is massive and difficult to service, yet nevertheless a perfect match for the Warg. Able to meet the heavy power demands of targeting computers, motive systems and weapons fire without spiking the firewalls and burning out critical systems, the Asgard Fusion-tek is more than adequate for the Warg's power requirements. The Warg has average speed and the massive Fusion-tek leaves little room for upgrade modules and customization, but a savvy pilot will find a way to eke out every bit of speed the Warg is capable of. The few custom upgrade slots available allow the Warg to keep pace with its smaller cousins and easily outmaneuver any large threats.

Defensively the Warg breaks new ground for medium-range mecha. Fire, Laser and Trample Shields are included in the defensive package, making the Warg the lightest mecha to have self-generated protection of this type. Solid shielding is generated by emitter pods strategically placed all along the framework ensuring there are no gaps or vulnerabilities, and up to three modules of custom shielding can be added to suit the mission or pilot's taste as the unit is upgraded.

Although the Warg was still a fairly new design during the early 3300’s, the period of technological cooperation known as the Cogwerk Renaissance gave the engineers at Asgard Heavy some new ideas to refine their machine. Several electronic improvements were made to the design, giving additional power to the anti-mech programming for the A.I. and new targeting programs to boost the striking power of the weapon systems. The high-end shielding systems were improved as well to enhance the durability of the already sturdy design.

Legendary Pilots

  • Don Lindley

    Don Lindley

    Don Lindley, also known as “Shadow”, has earned the respect of friends and enemies alike after pouring abundant blood and ferrite into the battlefields, both that of his own and of the hundreds of opponents while defending the Bunny flag with pride and fury.

    But he acquired another call sign, "The Wolf," after requisitioning an abundant cache of Wargs, stolen from Asgard Heavy Ltd's factories by pirates during the confusion created by the invasion of the League of Ages led by Xerxes the Great. “A wolf in rabbit fur”, some of his comrades call him.

    Remarkably, before the Warg was officially released, Lindley “Shadow Wolf” already had his own pack, a full squad of Wargs that he upgraded and mastered through frantic training on Pirate Moon. There he spread panic among the pie rats, leading his pack of Wargs through the narrow canyons and passages of the moon. This real training has made him a fearsome pilot in the 55-ton circuits, tournaments, and live combat in small environments.


Warg comes fully equiped with:



Arctic Wave


Arctic Wave

Slow (3)

It delivers a wide-angle blast of ice that comes crashing down on its victims and can even reduce their speed.



Arctic Wave


Arctic Wave

Slow (3)

It delivers a wide-angle blast of ice that comes crashing down on its victims and can even reduce their speed.



Double Sleet


Double Sleet


Second generation of the Sleet Storm, the Double Sleet Beam focuses two medium strength beams on enemy hulls.



Double Sleet


Double Sleet


Second generation of the Sleet Storm, the Double Sleet Beam focuses two medium strength beams on enemy hulls.



Icy Blast


Icy Blast

Freeze 2%

This ice weapon packs a wallop that's so cold, it can force the target to stop and thaw out.



Icy Blast


Icy Blast

Freeze 2%

This ice weapon packs a wallop that's so cold, it can force the target to stop and thaw out.

If purchased individually, these weapons alone would cost:
2400 Ferrite
1920 Bioptics
64 Crystal


Buy a Warg

Ferrite: 2600
Bioptics: 1700
Crystal: 120